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Coffee and Philosophy!

Coffee menu

Humanities Professor Gregory MacIsaac continued his practice of selling “Coffee and Philosophy” at this year’s Great Glebe Garage sale, on the 28th of May.

Sitting on his front porch, he charged passersby $1 for a shot of espresso, and 50¢ for a supplement of Philosophy. Customers could choose from a menu featuring topics such as, “Why you should not kill me and take all my stuff,” “I think therefore I am,” and “Language is the House of Being,” or they could choose a mystery box random thought from Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, or HeidEgger.

Sales were not brisk, but Prof. MacIsaac described them as “low volume, high impact.” Aside from his own students who happened by, MacIsaac reports having a series of good conversations with curious members of the community. He plans to continue his brand of caffeinated outreach, so plan to stop by Fifth Avenue during the next Great Glebe Garage Sale in 2017 for your shot of coffee and philosophy!

Professor Greg, Coffee and Philosopy