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How to Keep Up-to-date With Campus News

FASS students often want to know about things happening outside their own department. Here is a list of campus newsletters and other resources that can help keep you up-to-date. In some cases, you will need to read online.

African Studies Digest (Listserv)
To subscribe, email

African Studies Newsletter
Distributed by the Institute of African Studies. Issues are available online at:

Carleton Events Calendar
You can access this calendar on the university home page or go directly to this page: You can also access this calendar by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of TheGraduate@Carleton newsletter.

Carleton Now
Carleton’s monthly community magazine produced by the Dept. of University Communications. Latest issue and subscription information at:

CUNorth (email listserv)
This listserv is an informal northern research network at Carleton. It features information about funding, research and other relevant northern opportunities such as the annual Ottawa-Carleton Student Northern Research Symposium. To join, please go to this website:  You can view

EURUS Newsletter
They have a yearly newsletter that students can subscribe to through Heather Moulton (

Explore Science@Carleton
Bi-weekly newsletter produced by the Faculty of Science. There are two versions – one for Faculty and Staff and the other geared at students. You are welcome to sign up for both versions. Scroll to the bottom of this page to subscribe:

FPA Voices
This magazine-style publication comes out seven times a year. If you want to subscribe, please scroll down to the bottom of the page on this website:

gLoeb Xpress
The Department of Geography & Environmental Studies publishes a newsletter that features several grad success stories.

GRAD Bulletin
You can subscribe to the Grad Bulletin, produced by the Graduate Students’ Association. Sign-up is on the GSA’s website (scroll down to the right column under the search box):

History Newsletter & Other Sources
The Department of History’s annual newsletter keeps students up-to-date on the activities, teaching and research in History. See what graduate students are doing, what alumni and faculty members are up to. Available at: Or you can subscribe by emailing Subject line should be: Subscribe to Newsletter. Please provide your name, address and preferred email address in the text.  You can also visit their Facebook page at: and also check out up-to-date news as it happens on a new digital hub:

Housing Services
If you are a grad student in residence or thinking of applying to live in residence, you might want to read the Housing Services blog online at:

International Students Newsletter
International Students Newsletter (published by the International Student Services Office on a regular basis). You can read this newsletter online on the ISSO website at:

Minwàdjimowin (Good News)
The Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education (CACE) distributes a weekly newsletter that showcases CACE events, lectures by Aboriginal peoples, events in the Ottawa Aboriginal community, research, awards, job opportunities and more. Subscribe by going to this website. You can find the latest issue by clicking here.

READ Initiative
You can find both their newsletter and a subscription form on this website: A new newsletter is being posted soon.

Research Works
Digital publication produced by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) (The sign-up section is at the bottom of the page)

School of Journalism & Communication
For up-to-date news in the School of Journalism and Communication, please go to this web page on a regular basis:

State of the Raven
Weekly newsletter for Carleton undergraduate students prepared by the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Student Support Services). Grad students can read the latest newsletter by going to:

TA Blog (for Teaching Assistants)
Featuring short, practical articles on teaching matters of relevance to TAs written by EDC staff and fellow TAs, the TA Blog is updated on an ongoing basis. It can be found on this website:

This Week@FASS
Weekly newsletter produced by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Subscribe by emailing To view the latest copy of the newsletter:

E-news bulletin prepared by University Communications. Subscription info. is available by clicking here

And of course, there are many Twitter accounts that you can follow. Many of these are listed in Carleton’s social media directory. You can follow FGPA @CUGradStudies. If you want your departmental account added, please send your request to