Three FASS Faculty Members Named as Finalists for Canada Prize
Three Carleton University faculty members from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences have been named as finalists for the 2016 Canada Prizes in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Carleton’s finalists are:
Canada Prize in the Humanities
- History Prof. Norman Hillmer, for his book for O.D. Skelton: A Portrait of Canadian Ambition (University of Toronto Press). The book, released in late-2015, delves into the legacy of O.D. Skelton, the widely regarded architect of the Canadian foreign service and longtime Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs.
- History Prof. Michel Hogue, for his book Metis and the Medicine Line: Creating a Border and Dividing a People (University of Regina Press). The book explores the agency of the Métis people between the 1800s and the early twentieth century as they moved back and forth across the Canadian-American border.
Prix du Canada en sciences humaines
- French Prof. Patricia Smart, for her book De Marie de l’Incarnation à Nelly Arcan : Se dire, se faire par l’écriture intime (Éditions du Boréal). The book brings together a number of published and unpublished accounts of their lives by Quebec women from New France to the present day.
The Canada Prizes are awarded annually by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences for the best scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences that have received funding from the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP).
Celebrating the best Canadian scholarly books—not simply within a single academic discipline, but across all the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences—the Canada Prizes recognize books that make an exceptional contribution to scholarship, are engagingly written, and enrich the social, cultural and intellectual life of Canada.
The official announcement of the winners will take place during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Calgary on April 11, 2016.