Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Graduating Class of 2020
Dear Class of 2020: A video message from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
A Message to the Graduating Class of 2020 from Dean L. Pauline Rankin
Dear Class of 2020,
This June, a remarkable 792 undergraduate and 92 graduate-level (Master’s and PhD) students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences were granted Carleton University degrees. Each of you forged a unique path in your academic journey and when our world was turned upside down during your unforgettable final months as students, you demonstrated patience, creativity, and perseverance.
I hope that for years to come, and particularly in moments of adversity, you reflect back on the spring of 2020 with a great sense of pride and recall how you learned an undeniable truth about yourself – that within you is the ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable.
Though I won’t have the honour this month of reading your names aloud as you cross the stage one by one, I know that your individual accomplishments are extraordinary, they are uniquely yours, and I commend and congratulate you for completing your studies.
Undoubtedly, your family, friends, and other networks of support helped you in countless ways as you earned your degrees. On behalf of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, sincerest thanks to your loved ones for supporting you, and for giving Carleton the opportunity to teach you, get to know you, and learn from you.
Please know that your Faculty is so very proud of your accomplishments and wishes you a bright and boundless future. The world needs you in this unprecedented moment of global change and you are ready to meet its challenges.
Good luck and congratulations, Ravens!
Dr. L. Pauline Rankin
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences