Message from Dean L. Pauline Rankin

To say these past weeks have been a whirlwind would be an understatement. Quite simply, COVID-19 abruptly imposed new ways of living and learning, challenging each of us to reconfigure our personal and professional lives.
In this difficult moment, many of us are separated from family and friends and must care for children while responding to the demands of remote work. Many of us too remain deeply concerned for our elderly relatives and are worried about financial uncertainty. As the horizon of the crisis remains unknown, I am preoccupied by thinking about how best to fulfill our academic mission in the weeks and months ahead while ensuring the wellbeing of our students, staff, and faculty. My own days seem busier than ever with time organized according to a seemingly endless schedule of Zoom meetings.
Amidst this worldwide health crisis, I have been comforted by the collective steadiness of the FASS community. Together we have demonstrated patience, consideration, good humour and creativity under extraordinary circumstances. In the Office of Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, for example, we have stayed connected by daily sharing one good news item to brighten our mornings and remind us that we are part of a supportive team. The stories in this issue of FASS Newsletter demonstrate that the vibrancy of our faculty continues despite the rupture of our usual routines.
Sadly, we must plan as if we only have experienced the first stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. But our shared response to the crisis thus far gives me much hope that we have the resolve to adapt to what lies ahead. I can assure you that whatever our faculty faces, our guiding principles will remain the same. Most importantly, we will continue to prioritize the mental and physical wellness of all our community members while ensuring that FASS students can progress through their programs and continue their academic journeys.
For many of us, there are days in which the weight of our current situation seems overwhelming. Personally, I have been listening to jazz, eating too much chocolate and watching episodes of Top Chef (whatever gets you through, right?). If possible, please remember to take the time for those activities that provide even a short reprieve from the stresses we face. I strongly encourage you to seek support if needed. Faculty and staff may access the free 24/7 confidential services offered by Carleton’s Employee and Family Assistance Program by calling 1-877-725-5676 or online on the portal. Students may contact Health and Counselling Services, who are continuing appointments via phone or video. Students also have access to counselling services provided through Empower Me. For students who have returned home across Canada to study remotely, a list of provincial support resources is available. Everyone should continue to visit Carleton’s COVID-19 information website for regularly updated information.
My sincerest hope is that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. I look forward to seeing you again in person as soon as possible.
With warmest wishes,