FASS Mid-Career Research Grant
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, with support from the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), is offering grants to tenured faculty members at the Associate Professor rank to help them re-engage in research. This seed funding is intended for faculty members who do not currently hold external or internal funding (Covid-related internal awards excepted) to launch a new research program or advance an existing, unfunded project.
The purpose of these internal grants is to address some of the challenges facing faculty at the mid-career stage when the demands of teaching, administration, and other responsibilities may impede research productivity. This competitive funding opportunity will enable faculty members to advance a project and apply for external funding.
Recipients will be required to use the funds to prepare and submit a formal application for a major external grant, preferably to a Tri-council agency (SSHRC, NSERC, or CIHR), within 24 months of receiving the grant.
- Maximum Value: $10,000
- Number of awards available: up to 8 awards
- Duration: Maximum of 24 months
Please note that this is a short-term award. It is not supported by an endowment or base budget and may not be offered in the future.
- Must be Associate Professor rank
- Must hold an appointment in a FASS unit of at least 50%
- Must not have held external or internal funding since January 1, 2018. (Short-term internal COVID research awards are exempted. Faculty members holding those awards through FASS or OVPRI may apply.)
- Pre-tenured faculty, Instructors, part-time faculty (less than 50%), adjunct research professors, contract instructors, retired faculty members, and faculty members holding funded Research Chairs
Application Requirements:
- An abstract (0.5 pages)
- A research statement (a maximum of 2.0 pages) summarizing the research issues that will be addressed over the short term, and, as appropriate, the theoretical framework and methodological approach to be employed. Applicants should also identify the specific external funding opportunity to which they plan to apply.
- A statement (a maximum of 1.5 pages) outlining plans to develop a program of research, including how this grant will:
- Advance the faculty member’s research career,
- Improve opportunities for securing external research funding and the applicant’s fit with an external funding agency,
- Assist with advanced research training of senior Undergraduate and Graduate students and
- Other relevant information as appropriate.
- A budget justification of up to $10,000 (1.0 page)
- An up-to-date CV
All parts of the application must be contained in a single PDF file, starting with the application and followed by the applicant’s CV. The submission must be emailed to fass.awards@carleton.ca no later than November 1, 2021. Decisions will be announced by
November 22, 2021.
Conditions of the Award
All expenditures must comply with Tri-Council funding criteria and cannot be used to fund teaching releases. Recipients will be required to use the funds to prepare and submit a formal application for a major external grant, preferably to a Tri-council agency (SSHRC, NSERC, or CIHR), within 24 months of receiving the Award.
Please direct any questions with respect to this funding opportunity via email to Carol Payne, Associate Dean (Research & International) at Carol.Payne@carleton.ca or to Darlene Gilson, FASS Research Facilitator at Darlene.Gilson@carleton.ca.