Writing Camp Winter 2021
“Writing Anyhow” is an online group (organized by Alexis Shotwell, Sociology) that has been writing together since mid-April 2020.
Writing Anyhow is hosting its third Writing Camp, February 15, 16, & 17.
This will be a supportive, kind space to do some intensive writing in a collective setting over a couple of days. You are invited!
Participating involves registering for the Discord server we use if you haven’t already, and then showing up for “units” of writing during those days – units are just silent, collective periods of time when you turn off email and distractions and focus on your work. The scheduled times will be on the hour between 10-4. There is an option for audio-only chats, or people can always participate just via text. We may have optional writing and editing exercises! Suggestions for good writing snacks! Pictures of adorable animals! Advice about when to plant seedlings! Napping units! And more! It is fine to come for just part of the time.
Mostly people in the group are from Carleton, but there are also writers from other places who may attend. Everyone is committed to not being jerks.
Everything remains hard, and sometimes having collective space to tune in to our research and writing can be a form of self-kindness. It would be lovely to “see” you and write with you for a unit or two!
You can register here: https://forms.gle/KQEbB89CyUR3NB6F8