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Congratulations to the FASS Classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022!

Over the next two weeks, Carleton University and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are celebrating the remarkable classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 over several Convocation ceremonies.

We are so proud of our graduates and would like to wish them all an emphatic and heartfelt congratulations.

Medals and Awards: FASS Recipients

Discover the Spring 2022 FASS graduate and undergraduate medal and award recipients, listed below.

Graduate Medals and Awards

University Medal for Outstanding Graduate Work (Doctoral Level)

StudentDegree and Program
Michael J. PalmerDoctor of Philosophy, Geography

Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement

StudentDegree and Program
Ian Conor MacLean-EvansMaster of Arts, Philosophy
Samantha Amy McAleeseDoctor of Philosophy, Sociology
William Leonard FelepchukDoctor of Philosophy, Canadian Studies

Undergraduate Medals and Awards

Chancellor’s Medal

StudentDegree and Major(s)
Jayson Joshua YungBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Health Psychology and Well-Being
Justine KennisBCGH Cognitive Science, Concentration in Language and Linguistics
Madeline Eva Alberta WadlowBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Social/Personality Psychology

University Medal

StudentDegree and Major(s)
Alyssa Maria GaetanoBA Child Studies
Emily Grace Gourley PoulsenBMUS
Julia Kristen BurseyBCGH Cognitive Science, Concentration in the Biological Foundations of Cognition
Justin Phillip Koji ShimizuBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Social/Personality Psychology
Katherine Emily BobbittBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Health Psychology and Well-Being
Kyle Kenneth KreutnerBA HON History and Theory of Architecture
Mackenzie Jillianna MayledBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Health Psychology
Neve Milot Sugars-KeenBHUM Humanities and Biology
Sarah Anne BoothBA HON Environmental Studies
Shaelene Gerri StackBA HON Psychology

Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement

StudentDegree and Major(s)
Aaron Paul PlowmanBA Psychology
Aidan HillBA HON Film Studies
Andrew David WilsonBHUM
Christina Katherine JaneBA HON Childhood and Youth Studies
Christopher Bryan Holtum-BennettBA HON Psychology
Elizabeth Jane ChartersBA HON Psychology
Emma Christine McFarlaneBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Health Psychology
Geneva Jumoke Okuntola AkinniyiBA HON Women’s and Gender Studies
Jada Leeann ClarkBA HON Linguistics
Jaya BudhiaBA Psychology
Kaelee Carmene VincentBA HON English
Keltie GardinerBA Psychology
Lauren Patricia MaloneyBA HON Art History
Madison Marie TomasiniBA HON Psychology
Marianne KeulemanBMUS
Marlaina CameronBCGH Cognitive Science, Concentration in the Biological Foundations of Cognition
Mckenna Anfield MottahedBA Psychology
Megan Sahar HooperBA HON Linguistics, Concentration in Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders
Nicholas David Anthony SurgesBA HON History
Nigel Rose Heathcliff Klemencic-PuglisevichBA HON Greek and Roman Studies and History
Noor Angharad Bhimani-BurrowsBCGH Cognitive Science, Concentration in Cognition and Psychology
Odessa JohnsonBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Developmental Psychology
Patty ZhouBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Organizational Psychology
Samar El FakiBA Childhood and Youth Studies
Samphe Brule Emily Lhasa BallamingieBA HON Sociology
Sarah DesbiensBA Human Rights and Social Justice
Shannon Leigh RobinsonBA HON Psychology, Concentration in Health Psychology
Trinity Lyn Choiniere-HamiltonBA HON Psychology
Yue HanBA HON English, Concentration in Creative Writing
Zach BidgoodBA HON English