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FASS Faculty Members Receive SSHRC Connection Grants

Congratulations to the following FASS faculty members who were awarded Connection Grants in the November 2023 competition: 

Barbara Leckie (English Language and Literature), along with a co-applicant at the University of Ottawa, received funding for their project titled “Common Sense: Planetary Curriculums for a Planetary Commons.” The project will be a six-part podcast series that revives, reframes, and amplifies the idea of the commons for this moment of climate peril. 

Jo-Anne Lefevre (Cognitive Science) and Carleton colleagues Heather Douglas and Rebecca Merkley, along with co-applicants and collaborators from four other institutions, were funded for the project “Multiplying Student Success in Early Mathematics: Insights from Research-Practice Partnerships.” The grant will fund a summit of the Assessment and Intervention for Mathematics (AIM) Collective, a growing community of researchers and educators committed to developing, testing, and sharing math assessment and instruction resources for students ranging from kindergarten to Grade 4. 

Emilie Urbain (French and Linguistics and Language Studies), as well as Carleton colleagues Angel Arias, Jaffer Sheyholislami and Rachelle Vessey and a colleague at Simon Fraser University, were funded for the project “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning – Diversities, Discourses, and Digitalization.” The grant will support the next edition of the conference series Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy in Planning, to be held at Carleton University in June 2024. 

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grant is pleased to support events and outreach activities geared towards short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives.