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Posts sorted by Erin’s Blog

Erin Shields Student Blogger


Erin Shields Read Erin's Bio It’s four a.m., if time can still be said to have a meaning—as of late,…

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Erin's Blog – So Cold

Sweet Baby Jesus it’s cold. It’s really not, I hear you say. But you know, or maybe you don’t know,…

Erin Shields Student Blogger

Erin's Blog - Messages From the (Not-Quite) Eye of the Storm

End of term is not kind to students. My birthday is in November. Two days after Halloween, actually, which made…

Erin Shields Student Blogger

Erin's Blog - Mountain Day

Erin in Horseshoe Bay, Vancouver The first time I hear this term, it is a gorgeous day—New England is beginning…

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Erin's Blog - Freefall (and a Bio)

I don’t think one can ever be fully mentally or emotionally prepared to throw oneself out of a plane. For…

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Fourth-year English Major Receives a Killam Fellowship

Congratulations to Erin Shields, fourth-year English major, for winning the prestigious Killam fellowship. As a Killam Fellow of the Class…

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