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Anne Bowker

Dr. Anne Bowker in her office, she sits by her desk and her computer

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Ph.D. Waterloo
  • 330 Paterson Hall, Carleton University
  • 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
  • Email Anne Bowker
  • 613-520-2600 ext 8218


My general research interests are in the area of positive youth development, with a particular interest in the role of extracurricular activity participation. More specifically, my research focuses on the different types of activities (particularly sports activities) in which adolescents participate, and how this might predict positive developmental indices such as self-esteem, body esteem, self-efficacy and leadership ability.   I am also interested in peer relations during adolescence and emerging adulthood, both at the group level and with respect to dyadic or specific friendship relations.  My most recent research focuses on emerging adulthood and the transition to university, examining individual and relational factors which might impact this transition.

Research Interests

My general research interests are in the area of positive youth development, with a particular interest in the role of extracurricular activity participation. More specifically, my research focuses on the different types of activities (particularly sports activities) in which adolescents participate, and how this might predict positive developmental indices such as self-esteem, body esteem, self-efficacy and leadership ability.   I am also interested in peer relations during adolescence and emerging adulthood, both at the group level and with respect to dyadic or specific friendship relations.  My most recent research focuses on emerging adulthood and the transition to university, examining individual and relational factors which might impact this transition.


Gadbois, S., Bowker, A., Rose-Krasnor, L, & Findlay, L. (2019).  A qualitative examination of psychologically engaging sport, non-sport, and unstructured activities.  The Sports Psychologist.

Schubert, N. & Bowker, A. (2017).  Examining the imposter phenomenon in relation to self esteem level and self esteem instability.  Current Psychology, doi: 10.1007/s12144-017-9650-4

Bowker, A. & Ramsay, K.  (2016).  Friendship characteristics.  In R.J.R. Levesque (Editor in Chief), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 2nd Ed., 1080-1086.

Ramey, H., Rose-Krasnor, L., Bussieri, M., Gadbois, S., Bowker, A., & Findlay, L.  (2015).  Measuring psychological engagement in youth activity involvement.  Journal of Adolescence.  45, 237-249.