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Katherine Parr's “Psalms or Prayers” (1544)

Katherine Parr’s Giftbooks, Henry VIII’s Marginalia, and the Display of Royal Power and Piety

Dr. Micheline White’s (College of Humanities) article, Katherine Parr’s Giftbooks, Henry VIII’s Marginalia, and the Display of Royal Power and…

Scenes of Bohemian Life by Henry Murger

Professor Robert Holton, Department of English Language and Literature, translated and edited Scenes of Bohemian Life by Henry Murger. This…

Special Theme Issue

With seven articles, this special Theme Issue invites our readers to conversations with our writers from the Global South about…

an old book

Passion Relic Devotion, an Implanted Relic, and a Prostheticized Body: Rethinking Matter and Agency in “A Grete Myracle of a Knyghte Good Callyd Syr Roger Wallysborow”

Dr. Siobhain Bly Calkin, Department of English Language and Literature. Passion Relic Devotion, an Implanted Relic, and a Prostheticized Body:…

i4theplanet mobile app

MeWeRTH Funded Projects. Learn more about projects funded by the Mental Health and Well-being Research and Training Hub

child and parent playing video games

2024 MeWeRTH Projects. Learn more about the current projects Mental Health and Well-being Research and Training Hub members are working on

Learn more about the current projects MeWeRTH members are working on.

Professor Anne Trepanier

De l’hydre au castor. Représentations de la Confédération dans la presse de l’Amérique du Nord britannique (1844-1867), (Anne Trépanier, Department of French, School of Canadian Studies)

Dr. Anne Trépanier’s new book De l’hydre au castor. Représentations de la Confédération dans la presse de l’Amérique du Nord…

Ajjiliurlagit, two Indigenous men with a camera

Ajjiliurlagit: The Photographs of Joseph Idlout / Augatnaaq Eccles (Carol Payne, SSAC) and Department of History

Ajjiliurlagit (“let me take your picture”) is an online exhibition of photographs from the 1950s by Inuk hunter Joseph Idlout.…

APPARTENANCES, MARCHÉS ET MOBILITÉS Penser la valeur des langues

“Appartenances, marchés et mobilités. Penser la valeur des langues” (Emilie Urbain, Department of French)

Our peer review edited collection, “Appartenances, marchés et mobilités. Penser la valeur des langues” published in 2023, presents current research…