International Women’s Day 2024: Inspire Inclusion

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated globally on March 8 every year to acknowledge the significance and impacts of diverse women’s rights movements that bring attention to gender equity, reproductive rights, gender-based violence, among others. This year, the 2024 IWD theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion,’ resonates deeply with our commitment to challenging systems of oppression and fostering a more equitable society.

As we commemorate this day, we cannot overlook the ongoing struggles faced by marginalized communities in Canada and beyond. The epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), the pervasive realities of anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, colonialism, patriarchy, genocidal violence, gender- and sexuality-based violence, anti-Trans and anti-immigrant sentiment and actions, and White supremacy, underscore the urgent need for intersectional feminist activism.

The work we do at FIST, which is also done by valued colleagues and students in other departments, is essential to the university. We reaffirm our commitment to teaching and learning that centres gender, sexuality, race, disability, intersectional forms of violence, and social justice. The classroom should be a safe space for intellectual discourse, learning, and exploration.

Inspiring inclusion requires us to confront these intersecting forms of oppression head-on and work towards dismantling the structures that perpetuate them. It means amplifying the voices of those who have been marginalized and ensuring that our advocacy is inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiences of all women. FIST is dedicated to calls for action that support, protect, and encourage women, girls, Two Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse peoples in Canada and beyond.

Taking a significant step towards promoting awareness and advocacy for social justice, the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation (FIST) is thrilled to introduce its latest initiative, the Feminist Solidarity Futures webpage. The Feminist Solidarity Futures webpage includes a variety of resources compiled by FIST graduate students, faculty and staff. The webpage outlines:

    • Upcoming Community Events,
    • Training, Toolkits, and Pedagogy,
    • Personal Stories,
    • Legal Advocacy and Academic Freedom

If you would like to propose an event and/or a resource for inclusion in this webpage, kindly send the relevant information to

Carleton’s Newsroom is sharing stories of the achievements and contributions of women leaders across the university. Visit for a list of Carleton University events and resources.