Photo of Alexa C.

Alexa C.

Junior Scientific Evaluator, Public Health Agency of Canada

Bachelor of Science Honours, Major in Food Science
Co-op Placement
Employer Position
Public Health Agency of Ottawa Junior Scientific Evaluator
What is your title, role, and host organization?
During my Co-op experience, I completed all three work terms as a Junior Scientific Evaluator for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) with the Centre for Biosecurity. I worked alongside a team that consisted of inspectors, evaluators, engineers, and more for the Office of Biosafety and Biocontainment Operations. My role as a student varied throughout each work term. My primary objective was to assist my team members with conducting compliance monitoring and verification activities, such as writing and reviewing reports, entering data into our online portal and communicating with regulated parties. Each term, I contributed to and was designated the lead for many projects that all aimed to support the Agency’s mandate to maintain and improve the health of Canadians.
How is your placement related to your field of study? Did any course(s) prepare you for this placement?
As a Food Science student, we are required to take a variety of practical and theoretical courses, which in my opinion immensely prepared me for this job. Particularly the courses that focused on microbiological concepts and general lab practices as these were large components of my job.
How is your placement impacting your future career goals and overall awareness of the job market in Food Science?
Prior to starting my co-op placement, I felt a little lost as to what I would do once I graduated with a degree in Food Science. After completing my first work term I was very relieved and not only gained an awareness as to what future studies I may want to do, but I also began to feel as though I could picture myself with a career in the government.
How have you grown professionally through your placement?
I believe the knowledge I gained and the many transferable skills I honed from working in that environment greatly contributed to my professional growth. Working for PHAC gave me the tools to be able to adapt to a professional environment outside of school while also allowing me to put to use what I learned in class.
Do you have any advice for junior students in Food Science?
My advice to other Food Science students would be to make the most out of every opportunity and put yourself out there. The connections I have made during my entire co-op experience are some that will certainly benefit me and potentially lead me to my future career.