Photo of Meiqing L.

Meiqing L.

Scientific Evaluator, Health Canada

Bachelor of Science Honuours, Major in Food Science
Co-op Placement
Employer Position
Health Canada Scientific Evaluator
What is your title, role, and host organization?
I am a Scientific Evaluator at Health Canada. I conduct analysis of supplemented food ‘consumption incidents’ in the Canadian market. ‘Consumption incidents’ are suspected or established relationships between consumption of a food product and an adverse health effect.
How is your placement related to your field of study? Did any course(s) prepare you for this placement?
This position gives me a great opportunity to apply my statistics skills and field knowledge. I collect and analyze data from different sources, the results of which are used to further inform the development of a regulatory framework for these products. Courses relating to chemistry, biology, statistics, food science, nutrition, and food policy all helped me prepare for this placement.
How is your placement impacting your future career goals and overall awareness of the job market in Food Science?
My time as a co-op student with the Government of Canada has enabled me to gain invaluable working experience in this field. I now have a much better understanding of what it means to be a qualified Scientific Evaluator. Furthermore, my placement has strengthened my resolve to continue pursuing a career in Food Science.
How have you grown professionally through your placement?
Professionally, I’ve learned a great deal about how new science-based food regulations are being created and implemented in Canada. Personally, I have become more flexible in terms of dealing with different situations. Lastly, my interpersonal skills have improved significantly.
Do you have any advice for junior students in Food Science?
My advice would be to stay updated on new developments in the field and be passionate about what you’re doing. There is so much we can do to ensure food quality and safety for Canadians.