Photo of Tony Scheuhammer

Tony Scheuhammer

Adjunct Research Professor

Degrees:BSc, PhD (University of Western Onario)
Phone:613 998-6695

Institutional affiliation/mailing address:
National Wildlife Research Centre
Environment Canada
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0H3
Tel: 613 998-6695
Fax: 613 998-0458

Courier address:
Carleton University campus (Raven Rd)
1125 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6


Dr. Tony Scheuhammer is a research scientist at the National Wildlife Research Centre (Environment Canada) on the Carleton campus. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in Geography & Environmental Studies, Carleton University; and he also holds an Adjunct position with the Dept. of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University. Tony received his Ph.D. in environmental toxicology from the University of Western Ontario and now conducts research on the ecotoxicology of metals, especially lead and mercury, and their hazards to wildlife. His research on patterns of lead exposure in hatch-year waterfowl across Canada led the way to a national prohibition on the use of Pb shot for waterfowl hunting; and his research and review of the environmental hazards of lead fishing sinkers and jigs has substantially influenced government policy to recommend replacing lead with other non-toxic materials in these products. Tony’s most current research is on the correlates of elevated methylmercury bioaccumulation through ecosystems, the subtle neurochemical effects of methylmercury exposure in fish-eating wildlife, and the development of biochemical markers of mercury exposure and effect in wildlife.

Research Interests

Dr. Scheuhammer’s primary expertise is the food-chain transfer and wildlife toxicology of environmental metals. A major focus of his research is the accumulation and ecotoxicology of lead and mercury. His current research includes studies on the exposure and bioeffects of environmental mercury in fish-eating wildlife, especially subtle neurochemical changes related to environmentally relevant methylmercury exposure; and investigations of the environmental impacts of lead from various sources, especially as relates to toxicity in avian wildlife. Dr. Scheuhammer also studies the exposure, accumulation, and bioeffects of several other metallic elements, including cadmium and selenium.

Selected Publications

Basu, N., Scheuhammer, A.M., Grochowina, N.M., Klenavic, K., Evans, R.D., O’Brien, M., and Chan, H.M. 2005. Effects of mercury on neurochemical receptors in wild river otters (Lontra canadensis). Environ. Sci. Technol. 39: 3585-3591.

Stevenson, A.L., Scheuhammer, A.M., and Chan, H.M. 2005. Effects of lead shot regulations on lead accumulation in ducks in Canada. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48: 405-413.

Weech, S.A., Scheuhammer, A.M., Elliott, J.E., and Cheng, K.M. 2004. Mercury in fish from the Pinchi Lake region, British Columbia, Canada. Environ. Pollut. 131: 275-286.

Scheuhammer, A.M., Bond, D.E, Burgess, N.M., and Rodrigue, J. 2003. Lead and stable lead isotope ratios in soil, earthworms, and bones of American woodcock (Scolopax minor) from eastern Canada. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22: 2585-2591.

Scheuhammer, A.M, Money, SL, Kirk, DA, and Donaldson, G. 2003. Lead fishing sinkers and jigs in Canada: Review of their use patterns and toxic impacts on wildlife. CWS Occasional Paper no. 108, Environment Canada, Ottawa. 48 pp.

Wiener, J.G., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Heinz, G.H., and Scheuhammer, A.M. 2003. Ecotoxicology of mercury. In: Handbook of Ecotoxicology (second edition), D.J. Hoffman, B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, & J. Cairns, eds. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 409-463.