Funding Options and Opportunities

There are a many awards opportunities that are open to graduate students. As a graduate student in the Department of Health Sciences, you may apply for both internal and external awards, and we encourage you to pursue any funding opportunities for which you are eligible.  Some awards are merit-based, while others are for those in financial need.

Please visit Internal Awards and External Awards for full details. 

Below are additional notes from the HLTH department that may not be included in the links/websites.

Donor-Funded Awards / Endowments (Internal Awards)

Below is a link to a complete list of all donor-funded awards / endowments for the 2023-24 academic year. Those that are highlighted in blue may be more relevant to Health Sciences students. You must apply to these awards online through Carleton Central.  Please note that an updated spreadsheet for the current year will be posted as soon as it is available

Donor Funded Competition Awards 2023-24

Graduate Student Travel / Research Bursary (Internal Awards)

Our department is allocated a small annual budget to help support our students in conducting and presenting their research.  These applications are reviewed case-by-case, first-come-first-served.  Please note that within the Dept of Health Sciences each student is limited to a maximum $200 bursary per year.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) (External Awards)


Applicants must apply via Carleton Central. Note that the time-to-completion of your degree will dictate your eligibility for OGS.  All applicants must have achieved a minimum GPA of 10.0/12.0 for each of the last two years of full-time study.  

Tri-Council Funding (External Awards)

Deadlines vary from year to year, please visit the Tri-Council website for specific dates.




CGS Master’s awards

For more information, please visit the Tri-Council website here – and further resources can be found here –

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact

 PhD Awards

When considering eligibility (and selecting the appropriate federal granting agency) please consult with your thesis supervisor, and visit this website for more information –