Creating an RA Payment Part 2 – Payment Page
Type A Payment
If the system determines the payment to be of Type A, you will be able to enter the:
- Begin and end dates
- Total amount due to the employee
- Financial details
This payment will be loaded to the student’s account once all approvals are complete.
Type B Payment
If the system determines the payment to be of Type B, you will be able to enter the:
- Begin and end dates
- Hourly Rate
- Total hours
- Whether or not you would like the total amount to include source deductions
- Total amount due: for Type B payments, the total amount due will be populated based on the hourly rate, the total hours, and source deduction checkbox
- Financial details
If you select the box titled “Payment to include Employer Source Deductions?” 15% will be deducted from the Total Amount Due to your employee. This will cover the Employer portion of their source deductions. If you do not select this box, the full amount will be issued, minus taxes. You will immediately see the total amount and hourly rate change when you select this item.
Financial Details
When setting up the Financial Details, you are able to tailor the FOAP information using the drop-down menus. The index you select will automatically update your Fund, Org, and Program. The Account is automatically selected based on the student’s level of study and residency status. Next to the Index, you will see the name of the Grant Holder responsible for the selected fund.
If you would like to use more than one Fund, select “Add Source of Funding” and set up the additional FOAP. You can use up to a total of five different Funds. Please ensure that the “Percent” is allocated between the jobs and that it totals 100%.
If the Funds are owned by separate approvers or you would like funds to be spent sequentially, please create separate requisitions.
If you are not finished creating your requisition and you would like to leave the page, click “Save Payment Information”. This will save the changes you have made without sending the requisition on for further approval.
Submitting for Approval
Once you have set up your Type A or Type B job, you will be able to scroll down and submit the requisition. You can also include comments for the next approver at this time.
When you have reviewed the information, select “Submit”.