TCPS2 (2018): Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans.

TCPS CORE – 2022  The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans offers a web-based tutorial for researchers. Successful completion of the TCPS CORE – 2022 is now required of all researchers seeking ethical clearance from CUREB A/B. For those who have not yet completed the tutorial, you can get started here: TCPS certification must be updated every 5 years.

Problems registering for the TCPS2 tutorial?

  • Use Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer when signing up for the training.
  • Check your spam and junk mail folder.
  • Contact the Tri-Council Panel on Research Ethics for help: website.
  • If all else fails, use a personal email address.

Carleton Research Ethics Boards

REB Terms of Reference
REB Appeals Process
Departmental Research Ethics Subcommittee Terms of Reference
Suicidal Ideation Protocol
Suicidal Ideation Reporting Form
REB Scope of Authority
Guidelines on Collecting Demographics involving Race and Ethnicity
Guidelines on Collecting Demographics involving Sex and Gender
Preliminary Guidance for AI

Carleton University

Policy on the Responsible Conduct of Research
NPSIA Guidelines for Field Research
Research Computing Services We urge you to talk to Research Computing Services.

They can discuss various online tools/software for

data collection and data storage that would suit your needs

(i.e. the Carleton Cloud, Qualtrics surveys, Carleton secure data server).

Carleton’s Privacy Policies
(in compliance with FIPPA)
Carleton’s Cloud Computing Security Policy
Carleton’s Mobile Technology Policy
Carleton University Risk Management website and resources
University Policies Secretariat Website


Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2) TCPS 2 Interpretations
CIHR: Best Practices for Health Research Involving Children and Adolescents
 CIHR Best Practices for Protecting Privacy in Health Research (September 2005)
Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies Ethical principles for the conduct of research in the north
Ownership, Control, Access and Possession Principles enable self-determination over all research

concerning First Nations

Mi-kmaw Ethics Watch Set of principles and protocols that will protect the integrity and

cultural knowledge of the Mi’kmaw people

US & International

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Compilation of international ethics regulations
Community-Campus Partnership for Health Promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between

communities and academic institutions

Belmont Report
Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Declaration of Helsinki