- Administrative Review
- Application Checklist
- REB Supervisor Approval Form
- CUREB Protocol Form
- CUREB Request to Release Funds
- CUREB Change to Protocol Form
- Course Based Application and Change Form
- Secondary Use of Data Form
- CUREB Very Low Risk Form
- Adverse Events and Unanticipated Problems Form
- Suicidal Ideation Reporting Form
- Annual Status Report
- Security and Confidentiality Agreement (Privacy Office form)
All CUREB A and B submissions are received through CuResearch. Please see our CuResearch User Manual for directions on how to submit a new application or an event.
Contact ethics@carleton.ca if you have any questions about the appropriate form to submit for your research.
This applies to projects where the lead researcher is from another institution and has already secured clearance from that institution.
No form is required for secondary ethics clearance from Carleton University. Please submit a cover letter including:
- The purpose of the study.
- Who is surveyed within the study.
- The method in which participants will be surveyed.
- The extent of Carleton involvement (i.e., Carleton participants, team members, labs, or resources).
- The original ethics approval from the external research ethics board.
Email ethics@carleton.ca for instructions on how to submit your request for an administrative review in CuResearch.
Application Checklist
REB Supervisor Approval Form
Email approval from a supervisor for a student’s project is no longer accepted. Please submit the above form to CU Research with your application.
CUREB Protocol Form
Instructions on completing the CUREB Protocol form can be found here: Detailed Instructions
Please submit the CUREB Protocol form in CuResearch as a new application (with a maximum of two documents):
- the CUREB Protocol form
- the combined study appendices
If this application will replace a Release of Funds, please submit it as an “Event” in CuResearch under the same study file.
CUREB Request to Release Funds
Please submit this form as a “new application” in CuResearch.
A full protocol must be submitted prior to commencing recruitment and/or data collection. When ready to apply for full ethics clearance, please submit a new protocol application as an “Event” in CuResearch under the same study file. The protocol should be submitted using one of our CUREB forms (i.e., the CUREB Protocol Form, the Very Low Risk Form, or the Secondary Use of Data Form).
CUREB Change to Protocol Form
Please ensure to provide:
- an updated CUREB protocol form with all changes to the study methods clearly highlighted
(e.g. change to procedures, participant numbers or composition, data use or storage, withdrawal conditions, compensation, consent processes, research team personnel changes, and title changes). - copies of all updated study appendices with changes clearly highlighted
(e.g., revised versions of the recruitment materials, data collection instruments, or consent forms).
Please submit all documents as an “Event” in CuResearch.
Notice: Starting September 1, 2022, proof of completion of the TCPS CORE – 2022 must accompany, or be on file, for all members of the research team on any Change to Protocol requests for studies cleared before September 1, 2018.
Course Based Application and Change Form
Use this form if you are a course instructor who requires:
- a new course clearance for students to conduct minimal risk projects with human participants as part of the pedagogical requirements of your course.
- to amend your current course clearance.
Class projects that plan to recruit using the Departments of Psychology or Cognitive Science SONA Program are not eligible for the Course-Based Application and must be submitted individually using the Main CUREB Protocol Form or Very Low Risk Form.
Please submit this form as a new application in CuResearch. Amendments or renewals should be submitted as an “Event” in CuResearch using this form.
Secondary Use of Data Form
If your research relies exclusively on secondary use of anonymous information or biological samples then REB review is not required unless the data or samples might reasonably be re-identified. Information or samples are “anonymous” if they never had identifiers associated with them (for example an anonymous survey) and the risk of identification of individuals is low or very low.
Please submit this form in CuResearch as a new application (with a maximum of two documents):
- the Secondary Use Form
- any supporting appendices
If this application will replace a Release of Funds, please submit it as an “Event” in CuResearch under the same study file.
CUREB Very Low Risk Form
To qualify as a very low risk research project, all of the following criteria must be met:
- The risks to participants are very low;
- No research procedures involve any physically invasive intervention;
- Participants are legally capable of consenting on their own behalf, and are free from coercion or undue influence;
- Any accidental or intentional disclosure of the participants’ responses would not reasonably place participants at risk of criminal or civil liability, harmful retaliation, or be damaging to the participants’ emotional or financial well-being, employability, or reputation;
- The study does not involve recruitment by a third party aside from a paid research service such as Qualtrics or Survey Monkey;
- The study does not involve deception or providing incomplete information to participants; and
- This study does not primarily involve Indigenous peoples or communities.
Please submit this form in CuResearch as a new application (with a maximum of two documents):
- the Very Low Risk form
- the combined study appendices
If this application will replace a Release of Funds, please submit it as an “Event” in CuResearch under the same study file.
Adverse Events and Unanticipated Problems Form
Please submit all documents as an Event in CuResearch.
Suicidal Ideation Reporting Form
Please submit this form as an Event in CuResearch.
Annual Status Report
Typically, you will submit an Annual Status Report in response to an annual email from asr-ethics@carleton.ca. However, in some cases it may be useful to have access to this form directly. Please submit this form as an Event in CuResearch.
Notice: Starting September 1, 2022, proof of completion of the TCPS CORE – 2022 must accompany, or be on file, for all members of the research team on any renewal requests for studies cleared before September 1, 2018.
Security and Confidentiality Agreement (Privacy Office form)
Note: Personal data, or personal information, is defined as recorded information about an identifiable individual. This includes, but is not limited to, name, contact information, biometric information, demographic information, educational and employment information, financial information, health information, or opinions the individual has made.
If you have questions about the completion of this agreement, or best practices around privacy management for research, please contact the Carleton University Privacy Office by e-mail at university_privacy_office@carleton.ca. You can also read our FAQ.