On Tuesday, February 27, 2024 the Innovation Hub held two exciting events to engage students in making smart financial choices for their businesses. Over noon, the Hub hosted a Lunch and Learn on fundraising and in the evening, Scotiabank advisors gave advice to business founders.

The interactive Lunch and Learn session was with Rohit Mehta, the Founder & Lead Consultant at DoGood Fundraising. Rohit has been active in the non-profit sector for 18 years, and in his career, he has assessed over 300 grant applications and distributed over $60 Million in funding to community-based non-profits, charities, and grassroots groups.

The Lunch and Learn was geared towards helping new student founders and entrepreneurs find creative ways to locate funding and fundraising options that best suit their business needs. Students across all faculties were invited to bring their lunch and take part in a vital session that explored new ways to raise money and capitalize on the resources available through grants and other government programs.

In the evening, the Innovation Hub invited a team of Scotiabank advisors to teach students about what they need to do to ensure they have the right financial tools to make their small business successful, the advisors included: Steve Hardy, Small Business Advisor at the Carleton Place Branch, Evelyn Crawford, Small Business Advisor at the Bank and Gloucester Branch, and JP Young, Branch Manager at the Bank and Gloucester Branch.

This insightful session was useful to founders about to set up new businesses as well as those preparing to expand or scale. The team of advisors revealed common mistakes founders have made in the past and informed students on the choices they can make and the tools they can use to increase their probability of success.

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