“We are very pleased to have received so many contributions to our contest from children and young people across the country. All of them reinforce our belief in the importance of listening to young people as you grapple with the difficult circumstances created by Covid 19. The submissions are all so thoughtful and meaningful that it has been very difficult to choose our contest winners. However, other young people helped us in this selection.  At the same time as we congratulate the winners, we want all of you to know that you have made a major contribution to understanding how to move ahead as we emerge from these trying times.”

To view the selected entries in each age category, click on the names:

Ages 4 -7:  Hazel Currah (Bowen Island, B.C.)  and Oscar Kaisary (Ottawa, Ontario).

Ages 8 -11:  Sabrina Leung-Tuk (Vanier, Ontario). and Natalia Coreau (Winnipeg, Manitoba) 

Ages 12-14: Portia Bridge (Ottawa, Ontario) and Navvab Talisman (Ottawa, Ontario)

Ages 15 -17: Karissa H. and Linda Berry (Ottawa, Ontario).