LERRN members are excited to be participating in the Online Migration Teaching Collaboration, an innovative collaboration between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. With a move to on-line teaching at both universities in the Fall term, this initiative will result in a series of online teaching modules on migration-related topics which will include pre-recorded pedagogical materials for asynchronous teaching and multimedia content, activities and discussion questions.

The Shared Online Projects Initiative (SOPI), a collaboration between Carleton and uOttawa, generously awarded $36,000 to a team of instructors teaching migration-related courses for the development of online resources for teaching migration-related courses throughout the Fall 2020 semester.

The online modules will substantively support LERRN’s goal of amplifying the voices of refugees and other migrants by featuring guest speakers who have lived migration experience as refugees, refugee claimants, undocumented individuals, and immigrants – in Canada and beyond.

Members of the initiative include LERRN Project Director James Milner and Post-Doctoral Fellow Ola El-Taliawi. LERRN Project Officer Rachel McNally is coordinating the initiative, which also includes input from the Refugee Hub, a valued LERRN partner at the University of Ottawa. LERRN advisors and partners will also participate in the project as guest speakers to share their expertise and insights on topics such as refugee participation and other topics that enhance the role of civil society in the functioning of the global refugee regime.

Stay tuned for developments in this exciting collaboration, including the creation of an online game about Canada’s refugee determination system which is currently in the works!