Luna Noofoory, a recent graduate of the Master’s program in International Affairs, is a remarkable student with an inspiring journey. Born and raised in Syria, Luna and her family were compelled to leave their home due to the war in 2012. Her path led her through Egypt, Lebanon, and the United States before she found her academic home in Canada.

Luna’s educational journey has been marked by resilience and determination. She completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science in the United States, graduating in 2020 amidst the pandemic. Facing the challenges of job hunting in a new country with no established network, Luna initially considered law school but ultimately found her calling in International Affairs. She was drawn to her program for its strong focus on practical experience, including the opportunity for co-op placements and coursework relevant to her career aspirations.

One of the highlights of Luna’s time in the program was the exchange opportunity. She spent her second year at Sciences Po in France, an experience she describes as transformative. This exchange allowed her to immerse herself in a truly multicultural environment, enhancing her academic and personal growth. The diverse perspectives and rich discussions she encountered there were invaluable, and she built lasting friendships with students from around the world.

Despite initial feelings of imposter syndrome, Luna’s perseverance paid off. She excelled academically, participated in an enriching exchange program, and secured a position with Elections Canada, where she will continue to work post-graduation. She credits the program’s comprehensive curriculum and the numerous networking opportunities, such as the ambassador speaker series, for significantly contributing to her professional development.

She encourages prospective students to make the most of the exchange programs available, noting that these experiences were some of the best of her life.