Mariah MacKeigan is one of our standout graduating Master’s students who has shown a remarkable mix of academic excellence and professional skill. She started her journey with a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Business Administration from St. Francis Xavier University.

After her undergrad, Mariah moved to Ottawa to lead student recruitment for St. FX in Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Her career took a new direction when she joined the Public Diplomacy team at the U.S. Embassy. Now, as a Strategic Communications Specialist, she leads the digital outreach strategy for the U.S. Mission to Canada. This role sparked her passion for international affairs and led her to pursue a Master’s degree at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA).

Mariah found her studies at NPSIA directly applicable to her work at the Embassy. She gained deeper insights into the legal, political, and economic aspects of U.S.-Canada relations. Her favorite course, International Bargaining and Negotiations, provided her with practical strategies for cross-cultural competency and relationship building, which she found valuable both at work and personally.

Mariah believes the NPSIA program enhanced her professional skills and broadened her personal perspectives. Courses on Canadian foreign policy opened her eyes to Canada’s role in global diplomacy. Looking forward, Mariah is considering more policy-focused roles in international affairs, possibly within multilateral or international organizations.

To prospective students, Mariah has a clear message: don’t let a non-traditional background or a gap since your last studies hold you back. The supportive and diverse NPSIA community ensures that students from all walks of life can thrive and make meaningful contributions.