This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

Carleton University is reviewing its Sexual Violence Policy throughout the 2021-2022 academic year. As part of this process, we have committed to offering information and feedback sessions to solicit feedback from the campus community. The objective of these sessions is to host a supportive, creative space wherein members of the community can provide their feedback on the Sexual Violence Policy.

Register for the upcoming information and feedback sessions for students.

Based on preliminary feedback, the following areas have been identified in which consideration should be given to clarify the policy:

  • Review the provisions on interim measures and confidentiality
  • Review section 6.5 (a) for survivor-centric considerations
  • Clarify section 9.4 and the steps of investigation
  • Review the objectives of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee
  • General updates to titles, department names, etc.

Although we will be seeking specific feedback on these areas, we welcome feedback on any and all aspects of the policy. As part of this review, suggestions and feedback that may not be directly applicable to the policy will be shared with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee for review towards further enhancing Honouring Each Other, Carleton’s campus prevention strategy for sexual violence. We will continue to post all feedback on our website in the spirit of transparency.

If you can’t attend an information and feedback session, you can provide feedback and comments through our consultation website anonymously or by email. Any interested group or individual is welcome to reach out by email to arrange a closed session or meeting.

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