1. Assistive Technology Support
  2. Assistive Equipment Loans
  3. New Sun Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre
  4. Installing Read&Write

Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. The PMC can provide information and support regarding the use of AT to minimize disability-related educational barriers and promote independence among students with disabilities.

The PMC encourages the use of AT by students with disabilities in a variety of ways, including:

  • Loaning assistive technology and equipment to students who are registered with the PMC
  • Providing an on-campus location for students to access a wide range of AT
  • Coordinating bursary applications for funds available to OSAP-eligible students to purchase their own AT equipment (Bursary for Students with Disabilities)
  • Providing technology or technical solutions and support as needed for disability-related requests.

Assistive Technology Support

Assistive Technology support involves exploring devices and/or software designed to mitigate the impact of your disability throughout your studies. Examples of types of AT offered at PMC include:

  • Reading software (ex. Read&Write, Natural Reader)
  • Writing software (ex. Grammarly, Microsoft Editor)
  • Dictation software (ex. Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Microsoft Dictate)
  • Notetaking software and devices (ex. LiveScribe smart pens, OneNote)
  • Mind-mapping/organizational software (ex. Inspiration, Diagrams.net)

When you meet with a PMC Assistive Technologist, they will guide you through the AT selection process and show you how to incorporate the chosen technology with learning strategies. For example, how to seamlessly integrate your current notetaking process and strategies into a new software like OneNote.

To meet with an Assistive Technologist, PMC students must request a referral from their PMC Coordinator.

Assistive Equipment Loans

To inquire about the types of assistive equipment available for loan and the procedures for borrowing through the Paul Menton Centre, please contact PMC@Carleton.ca.

New Sun Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre

Location: 239 MacOdrum Library

Students referred by the Paul Menton Centre can access a wide range of assistive equipment, facilities, and services at the Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre (JMC). The JMC has ten individual workstations with a variety of assistive hardware and software available in each.

To access the JMC, PMC students must request a referral from their PMC Coordinator.

More information about the JMC and its facilities can be found by visiting Library Accessibility Services.

Installing Read&Write

Read&Write is a literacy software available to all Carleton students that supports everyday tasks like reading text aloud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments, proofreading written work, and more.

Visit our Installing and Using Read&Write webpage for instructions on how to access and use the software. Registration with the Paul Menton Centre is not required to access Read&Write.