1. PMC’s Core Functions
  2. New Term Checklist
    1. The New Term Checklist includes…
  3. Academic Accommodations
  4. Financial Aid
  5. Skills Development and Connection
    1. Learning Strategies
    2. Assistive Technology Support
    3. PMC Support, Social and Study Groups
    4. Mentor Volunteer Program
    5. Wellness Support
  6. Additional Resources
  7. Graduate Student Support

Welcome to the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC)! You’ve successfully registered with us; now what? On this page, you will find information about individualized disability accommodations, services and resources available to you as a PMC student.

PMC academic accommodations and support services are tailored to the individualized disability-related needs of each student and based on documentation provided by a regulated health care practitioner.

PMC’s Core Functions

Three circle-shaped arrows linking into each other labelled "accommodation," "skills building" and "integration & connection"

PMC’s Three Core Functions

What we do, at PMC, falls into three Core Functions: accommodation; skills building; integration and connection.

These core functions inform the ways that we:

  1. Provide individualized disability accommodations and support services while maintaining academic standards.
  2. Provide skills building opportunities to foster independence and resilience in university and beyond.
  3. Foster integration and connection to the greater-Carleton community by working with campus partners to build capacity to support students with disabilities.

New Term Checklist

The PMC new term checklist is a quick and easy way to make sure you get each term started and set-up for success. We’ve included information about important deadlines to note in your calendar, your responsibilities as a student how and when to seek support from your PMC Coordinator.

The New Term Checklist includes…

  • Important deadlines for requesting your accommodations
  • Deadlines to apply for PMC-administered awards for students with disabilities
  • Information about your responsibilities as a student
  • The types of support your PMC Coordinator can provide
  • How to book an appointment with your PMC Coordinator

Take the time to review our to-do list of things you should do every term to ensure you academic accommodations and support services are in place.

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Academic Accommodations

Accessing accommodations in a postsecondary setting often looks quite different than it did to have an IEP (or similar) in high school, or other venues. The biggest difference is that it is incumbent on you, as the student, to self-advocate and ask for the support(s) that you need. Support is available, but you need to take the steps to secure it.

Academic accommodations and services, classroom accommodations and exam accommodations are individualized to each student and the learning needs of each course. They must be requested each semester, and will vary course-to-course in order to fulfill learning needs and outcomes.

Our Academic Accommodations page includes:

  • Information about what academic accommodations in University look like
  • Requesting academic accommodations
  • Types of accommodations and services that may be available to students with disabilities
  • Information about exam accommodations
  • and more…

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Financial Aid

PMC administers a number of departmental awards for students with disabilities. Visit our Financial Aid webpage for more information on the specific terms, eligibility criteria and application process  for these awards.

Information about all awards and financial aid for Carleton students is available on the Awards and Financial Aid website.

Disabilityawards.ca is a searchable online national database of financial resources for Canadian post-secondary students with disabilities.

Skills Development and Connection

Learning Strategies

We aim to support students in developing their learning skills and strategies in ways that are individualized to them, specifically. To do this, PMC Learning Strategists work with students to provide individualized one-to-one service designed to address the students’ learning goals and improve their academic performance.

Assistive Technology Support

Assistive Technologists work with students to provide individualized one-to-one service designed to address the students’ learning goals and improve their academic performance.

PMC Support, Social and Study Groups

In efforts to support students in keeping connected with the PMC, each other and their studies, the PMC has created and launched a series of support, social and study groups open to all PMC-registered students.

Offerings Include:

  • Learning Strategies Workshops
  • Anxiety Group
  • Social Communication Group
  • Grad Student Writing Group
  • ADHD Group
  • and more…

Mentor Volunteer Program

PMC’s Mentor Volunteer Program (MVP) connects PMC veterans with PMC newbies to help make many aspects of university more approachable to students with disabilities. We aim to pair mentors and mentees together who share similar disabilities and/or areas of study.

Wellness Support

PMC wellness support for students with disabilities, facilitated by our team of wellness coaches and counselling interns offers short-term individualized wellness, emotional and psychological support with a focus on learning, applying, practicing, and generalizing skills to the school environment.

Wellness supports are designed to encourage students to use their strengths while learning new compensatory strategies to address barriers and difficulties that may be getting in the way of academic success.

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Additional Resources

PMC works in partnership with the Carleton community to increase accessibility for students with disabilities into all aspects of university life. There are many student resources and support services available to Carleton students.

Additional resources available for students with disabilities include:

  • Information about the Attendant Services program for students with physical disabilities
  • Career and employment support through Accessible Career Transitions (ACT) and ACT to Employ
  • Library Accessibility Services
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Learning support(s)
  • Student Associations

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Graduate Student Support

 Resources created by the PMC, tailored specifically to students working at the graduate (or doctorate!) level.

PMC’s resources for grad students include:

  • Graduate Student Writing Group
  • Graduate Thesis Virtual Writing Retreats
  • Workshops and Events for Grad Students

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