Photo of Christine Olsen

Christine Olsen

Degrees:B.A. Psychology Honours (2019)

Christine Olsen graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology in 2019, and, following graduation, Christine was accepted into MA program in counselling psychology and working in youth protection.

“My advice is to use the tools the university offers you. Go see the undergraduate psychology department. They are amazing and really keep you on track for what courses you need to reach a certain career or graduate program. Also that it takes a while to figure out what you want to do after graduation, but that is fine!”

What skills did you learn in your degree here at Carleton?

I learnt so many things. For one I learnt how to master APA, and research. I also learnt all about the field of forensic psychology to which I have been interested in learning and observing since my first year at Carleton.

Do you have a favorite course, instructor, or memory from your time at Carleton?

My favourite course here at Carleton was clinical psychology and my favourite professor was Dr. Kevin Nunes. He taught me how to conduct research, and he also made me realize that a thesis based masters was not for me. He was very helpful with graduate school applications.