Photo of Kangana Chawla

Kangana Chawla

Degrees:B.A. Psychology (Carleton U)

Kangana Chawla earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology in 2019, and, following graduation, went to work as an administrator at a psychometrist clinic full time. Kangana is currently in the process of exploring MA work in counselling/psychology.

What skills did you learn in your BA that helped you in your current position?

I learned to prioritize on a regular basis, like focusing on a single thing, getting it done and out of the way, to move on to the next thing. I also learned how to get a large amount of work done last minute( through procrastination)! Obviously it isn’t good to do this often, but working quickly is also a good skill to have in the workplace during busy times.

Do you have any advice for students thinking about taking a BA in Psychology at Carleton?

I would suggest planning well in advance for what you WANT to do after graduation, so you can prepare academically for it. However- have a few options rather than just one path. No one really has any idea where they will end up, and hardly anyone actually ends up where they plan to go. But if you can figure out what you like and don’t like, at least you can prepare yourself and gather resources for when you graduate.

Another suggestion I would give is simply start typing things into google to come up with ideas. You never know, many others may be struggling and have suggested paths for your career already.

I’d also say to expand your social circle to include hard working people, so that habit can rub off on you as well!