Access to the Museum’s databases – and the data they contain – are limited to staff researchers. Describing the format of our Barrenlands artifact data, however, is pertinent to how we conduct our search for patterns of human activity among these digital records.

This structure accommodates numerous variables for many types of stratified and surface artifacts. The current dataset for our Beverly Range study contains over 14,000 records, and each artifact lists many of the measurements and attributes from the following table:

Our Team uses the Open-Source database engine MySql to manage our datasets, and to process queries. Each major site-listing of artifacts is assigned a table, as displayed on menu-left below. We also produce larger tables that cover the entire Beverly range and beyond. Here we display a few records from a total of 2,810 in the table “kjnb07”. It is sorted by artifact description (ART DESC), and shows the first ten fields. Typically, we request a smaller dataset, and select only those fields we are most interested in.

Visual Results