Pathways to Net Zero: a decision support tool - The Transition AcceleratorFrom the Carleton Research newsroom:

“Transition Accelerator Report Assesses Pathways to Net Zero Emissions for Critical Sectors of the Economy

It is time for a major shift in the way that we approach the climate problem.

That’s the message of Pathways to Net Zero a new report from Transition Accelerator, a pan-Canadian Charity that works with groups across the country to solve business and social challenges while building viable transition pathways to a future with net zero emissions.

According to the report’s lead author James Meadowcroft, Canada must focus on measures to accelerate the transformation of the large-scale systems of social provisioning, such as the way we produce and distribute energy, move people and goods, and build our cities. These are at the source of our greenhouse gas emission problems, and focusing on key sectors will yield better results than trying to do a little bit of everything to find the lowest cost emissions reductions and meet short-term targets.”

Read the full article here.