SPPA Alumni in Municipal Government
The School of Public Policy and Administration’s history reaches back to the founding of Carleton University. In 2023, we will be celebrating 80 years of public administration at Carleton. Our graduates number in the thousands and are key leaders and members of Carleton’s global alumni network. Graduates of the School’s programs embark on a wide range of career paths in the broad area of public service and public affairs.
Our graduates work in diverse positions in the federal, provincial and municipal governments, the private sector, consulting and beyond.
The School has a course in Urban and Local Government, which looks at the role of municipal government in the context of Canadian federalism. Current economic, political and social trends affecting Canada’s major urban centres including growth, amalgamation, fiscal reform, immigration, housing, community engagement and sustainable development.
Here are some of our alumni working in municipal government:
Serge Arpin (MA in Public Administration, 2010)
Former Chief of Staff to Former City of Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson
Justine Bell (MA in Public Administration, 2010)
OCDSB Trustee, Somerset/Kitchissipi, Zone 10 (2020 to present)
“Living through COVID as your trustee, I have spent most nights listening, learning and working to improve our education system and keep our school safe (after I put my daughter to bed). Important to informing my views has been active outreach to school councils, educators, community organizations, students and actively participating in the following committees: Student Senate; Advisory Committee on Equity; Indigenous Education Council; and Parent Involvement Committee.”
Steve Desroches (MA in Public Administration, 2000)
Ottawa City Councillor, Gloucester-South Nepean (2006-2014); Riverside South-Findlay Creek, Ward 22 (Elected October 2022).
Councillor Desroches has been a devoted public servant in the Government of Canada, serving in a number of departments including the Privy Council Office, Elections Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agriculture and Agi-Food Canada. He has contributed his service as an elected councillor, including four years as Deputy Mayor of the City of Ottawa. He is also the recipient of the 2014 Bissett Alumni Award for Distinctive Contributions to the Public Sector for his work at the municipal level.
Laine Johnson, Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership, 2014
Ottawa City Coucillor, Collage, Ward 8 (October 2022)
“I’ve held leadership roles with Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC), which works to create, maintain and promote housing for people with low and moderate incomes, and Synapcity, a non-profit dedicated to creating an inclusive culture of participation for the city of Ottawa.”
Steve Kanellakos (MA in Public Administration, 1985)
City Manager, City of Ottawa
“Ottawa is made of an existing network of communities, businesses and organizations that together make up the fabric of our city. The City of Ottawa provides important programs, services, facilities and infrastructure to nearly a million residents every day. We invest each tax dollar with care so that we can plow your roads in a timely manner, provide safe drinking water, run animated recreation programs, inspect new homes, and deliver more than a hundred other City services.”
Hanifa Kassam (Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership, 2019)
Policy Development Officer, Poverty Reduction Strategy, City of Toronto
Hanifa has worked for more than 15 years to advance social good and justice. She has extensive experience building and leading collaborations that drive, foster and support community. Hanifa has led a range of public sector initiatives to help communities transform themselves in the areas of community development, public health, civic engagement, and inclusive economic development.
Maude Marquis-Bissonnette, PhD in Public Policy, 2022
Former Gatineau City Councillor
“Municipal governments are more and more involved in national and international issues. While those issues used to be tackled by national governments, now we are seeing the principle of ‘glocalization’,” says Marquis-Bissonnette, who recently placed second in the campaign for Gatineau mayor. “This is why I am calling for better integration between all levels of government.”
Danielle McDonald (MA in Public Administration, 1987)
CEO of the Ottawa Public Library
Recipient of the 2022 Bissett Alumni Award for Distinctive Contributions to the Public Sector.
“My first “real full-time job” was for the City of Ottawa as a Junior Corporate Planner working for the first Chief Administrative Officer (now commonly known as the City Manager). It was a great job and there were so many applicants — my MA in Public Administration really helped secure getting the first interview. I prepared and then was the successful candidate. Almost 34 years later I am still working at the municipal level and still loving it!”
Shawn Menard (MA in Public Administration, 2009)
Ottawa City Councillor, Capital, Ward 17 (2018 to present)
His past experience includes being a senior staff person for Canada’s Big City Mayor’s Caucus and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Vice Chair of the City of Ottawa Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee, President of the Centretown Citizens’ Community Association, and previously working at the Department of Justice Canada as a federal public servant. Shawn also started a business working for cities and communities from across Canada to help facilitate their goals with the federal government. As a Councillor, serving constituents and ensuring the City is a compassionate, just, sustainable, and equity focussed government will be top of mind for Shawn.
Karen Shepherd (MA in Public Administration, 1991)
Ottawa Integrity Commissioner
Karen has more than three decades of experience working in the federal public service, much of it in the field of ethics. She was the first federal lobbying commissioner from 2009 to 2017. More recently, she was executive advisor to the deputy minister of health, and later ombudsman for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency before she retired in 2020. Karen is also the recipient of the 2010 Bissett Alumni Award for Distinctive Contributions to the Public Sector.
If you or someone you know is an SPPA graduating working in the municipal government, and would like to be featured, please let us know!