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80 Years in Public Administration

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SPPA is Celebrating 80 years of Public Administration!

The School of Public Policy and Administration is celebrating 80 years of Public Administration at Carleton University this year. We look forward to connecting with our students, alumni, and community through events over the fall and winter terms 2023/24.  Our kick off event was held as part of our Alumni Reception on September 8.

group photo by anniversary cake: Brenda O'Neill, Jos Bisset, Jennifer Stewart and Bob Masterson
Dean Brenda O’Neill, Distinguished Alumni Joe Bissett, SPPA Director Jennifer Stewart and 2023 Bisset Alumni Award Recipient Bob Masterson at September 8, 2023 Alumni Reception and 80th Anniversary Celebration kick-off



80th Anniversary Kick-Off event

SPPA Alumni Reception
Friday, September 8, 2023
Richcraft Hall Atrium, Carleton University

SPPA 80th Anniversary Trivia Night

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

School History

In 1943, the Institute of Public Administration began offering classes in the Glebe. It merged with Carleton College in 1945 to create a Faculty of Public Administration. Through decades of instruction in public policy and administration, the school now offers 6 different graduate programs that can challenge, engage and inspire.  Several thousand of our alumni currently hold leading positions in government, the private and non-profit sectors, and academia.  SPPA the continues to be the ground-breaking leader in Public Policy and Administration in Canada.

The 80th anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate our network of alumni, students, faculty, research associates and community members.

Your support will allow for international experts to present to our students and for both in-person and on-line formats to be used so that a wider audience can be reached. Consider giving to the 80th Anniversary fund to make these events possible. You can donate on the Future Funder website.

Community Voices

Student and Alumni Testimonials

“I chose SPPA because of its focus on public policy, with a strong tradition of Canadian political economy and industrial policy analysis. I felt that we needed an approach to Canadian climate policy that was less dependent on market-based theories and more rooted in the country’s history and particular regional and sectoral transition pathways.” Brendan Haley, PhD in Public Policy

“I’m very pleased to still have a connection with the program. The school is producing even more capable students now than they were in my era so I am very grateful for the program and very pleased to still have a connection to the school.” Matt Jones, Master of Arts, Public Administration

Faculty Interviews

“A degree in Public Policy and Administration can take students all over the place and I like to see where they go.” Jennifer Stewart, SPPA Director

“Getting to learn alongside our students and getting to help them in their journey is a real honour.” Jerald Sabin, SPPA Faculty Member