1. Managing Your Availability
    1. Adding Courses
    2. Removing Courses
  2. Uploading Your Notes

Managing Your Availability

If you are interested in volunteering as a notetaker, you can manage your own course availability using the Ventus Notetaker Portal. You no longer need to email the Volunteer Notetaking team to sign up to volunteer.

Adding Courses

You can only volunteer for courses in which you are currently enrolled. Volunteer Notetakers are only recruited for lectures. We do not recruit or assign volunteers for tutorials, labs or discussion groups.

Step One

Visit https://ventus.carleton.ca/notetaker/.

We recommend using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome to access the portal.

A screencapture image showing the login landing page for volunteer notetakers

Step Two

Click ‘Login to the PMC Volunteer Notetaker Portal’.

Step Three

Enter your MyCarletonOne credentials (usually FirstnameLastname).

Step Four

Click ‘Volunteer Profile from the top menu.

Screencapture image of the Volunteer Notetaker Dashboard

Step Five

Make sure your personal information is correct.

Screencapture image of the Volunteer Profile page in Ventus

Step Six

You should also see a list of courses you are registered in this term.

Select the courses you are available to volunteer for. Enter any relevant course information into the ‘Comment’ box, for example “This course is cross listed” or “this course is asynchronous”.

Click “Add Selected Courses”.

If you are available for all of your courses this term, you can click “Add All Courses”.

Note: We may assign students to up to 2 courses per term.

Screencapture image of courses seeking Volunteer Notetakers.

Step Seven

Wait to receive a ‘You’ve been assigned as a Volunteer Notetaker’ email from volunteer.notetaking@carleton.ca which will include instructions on how to upload your notes to Ventus.

Note: We cannot guarantee you will be assigned. If you do not receive an email, it may be because we do not need a volunteer at this time.

Removing Courses

If you add a course to your availability and no longer want to volunteer, please promptly remove the course from your Volunteer Profile to avoid being assigned as the Volunteer. You can remove a course from your availability by clicking the yellow ‘Remove button’ in the action column. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm removal of the availability.

Resigning from a Course

At any point in the term, if you feel that you can no longer serve as the volunteer notetaker for your class, you can resign from the role on this page. Resigning in Ventus will notify the Volunteer Notetaking team to find a replacement volunteer. You no longer need to email Volunteer Notetaking.

Uploading Your Notes

Step One

Visit https://Ventus.Carleton.ca/Notetaker.

Step Two

Click “Login to the PMC Volunteer Notetaking Portal”.

A screencapture image of the Ventus Volunteer Notetaking Page

Ventus Volunteer Notetaking Portal Page

Step Three

Enter your MyCarletonOne credentials (usually FirstnameLastname).

Step Four

Click “Courses/Notes” tab.

Step Five

You will see a list of courses in your availability. Click “Upload Notes” beside the course you wish to upload notes for.

Step Six

Make sure your personal information is correct.

Step Seven

Select the File(s) you wish to upload and the corresponding lecture dates. If there are comments or instructions for the student receiving your notes, enter them in the Comments section. (e.g. ”No class next week” or ”Exam review in this lecture’‘) When done, click on “Submit”.

You can now edit and delete your uploaded lecture notes using the icons beside uploaded files. You no longer need to email the Volunteer Notetaking Team to request changes to uploaded files.

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