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Choices, choices: migration planning for cuTheme

We are getting close! Very soon we will be starting to move websites from the CCMS and Framework templates into the new cuTheme.

cuTheme and the new WordPress Gutenberg admin interface are all about choice and with the migration process we are extending that idea: You will have a choice on how your site is prepped for its reconstruction in the new theme.

What are these choices? Very briefly, we will be placing all sites on a staging server (where your site cannot be viewed) where it will be made ready for moving onto the production server (i.e., the live space where it can viewed by the entire world).

Your choice is between having a clean installation or a migrated installation.

Your choice is between these two.

With the migrated installation we can currently migrate about 90% of the content on a website. We are nearly done working out the migration plan and are looking at ways to make that 100%. You will have to move the pieces we can’t, and you will be responsible for cleaning up all the content.

With a clean installation, we see a huge advantage to you: the blank canvas which will enable you much more easily to cut loose any old content, any orphan pages, old events, news stories from 1996, etc. Your site will be sleek, streamlined, and beautiful, with the advantage of users finding content easily – with the same advantage extended to the Google algorithm as it searches through your pages.

In the meantime, we are researching ways to move some areas of content while leaving others blank for you to recreate using all the amazing new features which cuTheme offers. That will take away some of the tedium of rebuilding news posts, for example, and enable you to concentrate on the fun task of re-organizing your site and crafting beautiful pages with all the new bells and whistles on offer.

Watch this space for further news on our migration plan, which will be coming your way very soon.

In the meantime, there are some things that you can do to get your site ready for the migration cuTheme!