Reviewing your website thoroughly before migrating it, lets you start off on the right foot and can make for a smoother transition. It is also beneficial to your current visitors!

Here are four steps to help you prepare your website for migration to cuTheme.

1. Do a Content Audit

  • Evaluate the relevance and quality of your content. Remove outdated information.
  • Optimize content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Look for and fix broken links


2. Ensure your Content is  Accessible

  • Review your website’s accessibility according to AODA guidelines.
    • Ensure that it’s easily navigable for users with disabilities
    • Including proper alt text for images
    • Use of headings and subheadings.
  • This is good practice to ensure a site that is easy to navigate and use for all visitors.


3. Review Your Navigation Menu

The menu in cuTheme is top-of-page only (no side option). You may need to rethink your navigation depending on the length. We recommend reviewing it periodically anyway as things evolve on your site!

Simplify Navigation:

  • Streamline your menu items to make navigation intuitive and efficient. Consider categorizing content logically and using sub-items where necessary.

Consistent Structure:

  • Ensure consistency in navigation across all pages. Users should easily understand where they are and how to navigate to other sections of your site.


  • Menu magic – Tips for improving user experience via navigation
  • Coming out on top: the new top nav menu in cuTheme

4. Review and Renew Your Homepage

cuTheme will present you with a lot more design options for your homepage. However, content is still Queen! Now is a great time to rethink what elements are most important for your homepage.  Prep the content now and then style it up in cuTheme!

Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

  • Place a prominent CTA that aligns with your primary goal (e.g., register for a program get to a service, contact your department). Make it stand out without overwhelming the page.

Visual Hierarchy

  • Organize content using a clear visual hierarchy. Use headings, images, and white space strategically to guide visitors through the page.

Dynamic Elements

  • Consider incorporating dynamic elements like videos and news posts, to engage visitors and convey information effectively.

Update Images

  • Make sure to refresh images from time to time so they are current. This keeps your homepage from looking stale and dated,


To find out more about the migration to cuTheme and how you can migrate your site – click on the button below!

cuTheme Migration Plan