To make your website accessible:

  1. Have a plan that takes accessibility into account right from the start
  2. Know your audience
  3. Plan the structure of your website – does your navigation make sense?
  4. Use descriptive and relevant titles
  5. Use proper heading formats (H1, H2, H3…)
  6. Stick with the inverted paragraph
  7. Break up long paragraphs – no more than 50 words per paragraph
  8. Write short sentences – between 20 and 40 words (avoid filler words, keep language simple)
  9. Break up the text with bullets
  10. Do not use characters in place of letters
  11. Avoid all caps and italics
  12. Use keywords for the anchor text instead of the actual URL or “Click Here”
  13. Open PDFs and external websites in a new tab
  14. Create multiple ways to locate a webpage
  15. Use alt tags – is it informational or decorative?
  16. Do not use images that only have text on them
  17. Use a service to create closed captions for your video
  18. Host all videos with a third party service that possesses all the stipulated video controls (Pause, play, forward and rewind)
  19. Provide transcripts of your video (remember you already have these if you created a script!
  20. Ensure that transcribed text meets other accessibility standards

To keep your website accessible:

  1. Use automatic assessment and assistive technologies
  2. Do user testing and get feedback
  3. Do a review of key milestones and changes required