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cuTheme Update – November 2023

For the past several months, we have been working away on cuTheme, our newest web template. We are excited to share the latest updates and announce that we are close to launching.


Findings and Lessons Learned

The main goal of our testing phase was to learn about usability for our clients. How was the transition to the new theme, a block-based system? The editing experience? What worked (or didn’t)? And what could be improved or added?

Additionally, we wanted to test the technology – our servers, the software (responsiveness and bugs), and the multisite platform that cuTheme runs on.

Thank you so much to all of our testers!! The feedback is so valuable in creating the best possible web theme for the Carleton community.

1. We need some more functionality (new blocks!)

A few things that were noted by clients as missing – a Quick Links or Spotlight block, accordions (for things like FAQs), the ability to add a gray background to blocks.

2. We need to clarify some things

The editing experience is a big change and we’ve taken note of some of the things that people found a bit confusing.

To address this we:

View the Latest cuTheme Tips on our Training Site

*Please note you need to be connected to VPN in order to view the links above

Tips We are Working on

Training and Documentation Updates

Please free to peruse our training and documentation site.

3. We fixed some bugs!

Bugs that are Fixed

Bugs we are Working on

We are still working our way through all of the detailed feedback (thank you) so more to come!

4. The Technology is Solid

cuTheme now works in a WordPress multisite environment on a brand-new server. This makes things more scalable, plus way faster for us to install, and configure new sites. This translates to a better experience for our clients.

One thing we are addressing is caching issues. We’ve noted issues with things getting stuck in memory and will be fixing this so you do not have to constantly clear browser cache.

Next Steps

Over the next several weeks, we will:

Thank you for your patience, enthusiasm, and all of your input. We look forward to the launch of cuTheme in January 2024. Please read more about the migration process by clicking the button below.