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Announcing the Pilot Phase of cuTheme Rollout

We are excited to announce that we will begin the pilot phase of our cuTheme rollout on June 10.

During this phase, we will offer migration to a small group of websites. The goal is to test the theme and the migration process before we roll it out to the entire Carleton community.

This pilot phase is an important step in ensuring that the new theme meets our standards for performance and usability. By working with a select group of sites, we can gather valuable feedback and make any necessary adjustments.

Additionally, this phase will help us fine-tune the migration process. We want to ensure it is as smooth and seamless as possible for our clients.

For a sneak peek of cuTheme, please visit our cuTheme Training and Documentation site. This resource will familiarize you with the new theme and guide you in making the most of its features.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through this exciting phase!