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Our brand new WordPress content management configuration is here, and it’s pretty awesome!

What is cuTheme?

cuTheme is Carleton’s new custom content management system and is the biggest change to our web infrastructure since the initial adoption of WordPress in late 2009. The newly introduced cuTheme aims to modernize how we build and work with content by providing a vastly improved tools for users across campus by providing a simpler and more streamlined content editing experience with a visual overview that more closely resembles what site visitors will see.

cuTheme is also backed by Raven Design System (RDS), a React component library and design framework for the web that has been built in collaboration with University Communications to ensure brand standards and consistency are used across the web at Carleton.

Key Features

An icon of a wordpress

Powered by WordPress

WordPress powers over 40% of the web and it’s been Carleton’s content management system of choice since 2009.

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Drag & Drop Blocks

No longer are you stuck with predefined ordering of content blocks. It’s like playing with lego during your day job!

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Intuitive Visual Editor

Not sure what your content will look like? We got you covered, the new editor very closely reflects what you’ll get on the front end.

An icon of a bolt lightning

Improved Site Speeds

With lighthouse scores in the high 90s, average load times of 600ms and small asset sizes your pages will load in the blink of an eye.

An icon of a universal access

Accessible Template

Our template is meets WCAG AA requirements and we’ve implemented measures to help user avoid common publishing mistakes.

An icon of a pen paintbrush

Renewed Web Brand

In collaboration with University Communications web brand standards were developed with cuTheme leading the way!

cuTheme Updates

Announcing the Pilot Phase of cuTheme Rollout

We are excited to announce that we will begin the pilot phase of our cuTheme rollout on June 10. During…

Choices, choices: migration planning for cuTheme

We are getting close! Very soon we will be starting to move websites from the CCMS and Framework templates into…

cuTheme Update – November 2023

For the past several months, we have been working away on cuTheme, our newest web template. We are excited to…

Coming out on top: the new top nav menu in cuTheme

One exciting development we can’t wait to bring to you with cuTheme is the top navigation menu. Top refers to…

cuTheme Ready – Prepare your Site for a Seamless Migration!

Reviewing your website thoroughly before migrating it, lets you start off on the right foot and can make for a…

Back end block checks: helping you to help your website

If you clicked on the headline for this post and expected an article on a player who stops the quarterback…