Piotr Dutkiewicz
Professor – Russian and East European Politics
Degrees: | L.L.M., University of Warsaw; Ph.D., Russian Academy of Science, Moscow |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 5628 |
Email: | piotr.dutkiewicz@carleton.ca |
Research Interests Related to European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Piotr Dutkiewicz is Professor of Political Science and former Director of the Institute of European and Russian Studies. Currently he is a co-director (with Les Pal) of Carleton’s Centre for Governance and Public Management. He was educated at Warsaw University (LLM) and the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Ph.D.). He was a Fellow of St. Peter’s and Nuffield Colleges in Oxford and a Visiting Professor at Berkeley University, Institute for International Relations (USA) and taught at Warsaw University in Poland (1977-1989) and Queen’s University (1990-1993) in Kingston, Ontario.
Professor Dutkiewicz was editor-in-chief of a 19 volume series on “Local and Regional Development in Poland and Eastern Europe” (1986-1989) and editor (or co-editor) of 16 books. He is also the author of many chapters in books and articles in professional journals. He was a Director of four large scales, high visibility Projects in Russia funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (on regional development, unemployment insurance, labor market and social policies). He was also involved in CIDA-AUCC lead project on juvenile justice and youth at risk in Russia. He was a member of a Canadian Official State delegation to Russia in 2003 (lead by Gov. General Adrienne Clarkson). In May 2006, he received a doctorate Honoris Causa from the People’s Friendship University (Moscow) and in 2007 the Honorary Degree from the Russian Academy of Public Administration ( Moscow) for the “very significant contribution to the development of Canada- Russia relations and quality of research.” He is recipient of FPA Research Productivity Bursary for 2016 – 2017 and Carleton’s Research Excellence Award in 2014.
Piotr Dutkiewicz Book List
Elena Chebankova and Piotr Dutkiewicz (eds.), Civilizations and World Order, Routledge, 2021.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, Tom Casier, Jan Aart Scholte, Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics, Routledge, 2020.
Eurasia on the Edge Managing Complexity, Piotr Dutkiewicz, Richard Sakwa and Fyodor Lukyanov (eds.) Rowman US, 2018.
Mapping a New World Order: The Rest Beyond the West, (co-edited with Vladimir Popov), (Edgar Edward Publishing, 2017)
Social History of Post-Communist Russia , Routledge (co-edited with Richard Sakwa and Vladimir Kulikov), (London & New York, 2016)
Eurasian Integration: The View from Within, (co-edited with Richard Sakwa), (Routledge, 2015)
22 Ideas To Fix the World , (co-edited with Richard Sakwa), (New York University Press, 2013)
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Andrei Margolin ,eds., New Technologies in Public Administration as Reflected by the Canadian and Russian Experience , Moscow Governance University Press, 2013.
Democracy versus Modernization: A Dilemma for Russia and for the World (co-edited with Vladislav Inozemtsev), (Routledge, 2012)
Russia: The Challenges of Transformation , (co-edited with Dmitri Trenin), (NYU Press, 2011)
Piotr Dutkiewicz, Alison Keating, Maryana Nikoula, Evgeni Shevchenko, “ Juvenile Justice in Russia”, AUCC, 2009, pp. 181 (authorship in equal parts) – internal (AUCC based) evaluation process and review took place.
Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone, Piotr Dutkiewicz, eds., New Europe: The Impact of the First Decade. Variations on the Pattern. Polish Academy of Science, 2007, pp.526 (in English) vol. 2.
Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone and Piotr Dutkiewicz, eds., New Europe . The Impact of the First Decade, Vol. 1, Trends and Prospects. Polish Academy of Science, 2006, p. 247. (in English)
Piotr Dutkiewicz, Dejan Guzina and Vladimir Marakhov, eds., Theory and Practice of the Civil Society in Russia (Teoria I praktika grazhdanskovo obshestva v Rosii), St. Petersburg State University, 2005, p. 269.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Andrei Zakharov, eds., Basics of Local Governance, textbook for Grade 10 High Schools in Russia, Moscow, 2001, Municipal Power Press, p. 141.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and R. Jackson, eds., NATO Looks East, 1998, Praeger, p. 200.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, T. Stepankova and M. Gosh, eds., Ukraine: Social and Economic Transformation, 1991-1997, Kiev: Science, 1997, p. 230.
Current Research Projects
He is involved in the (Re) Inventing Hegemonies Project. The main purpose of this research /book project is fourth fold:
- To re-theorize approach to a “new-hegemony (ies) ” from a multidisciplinary perspective;
- To analyze main structural contradictions of the world system (such as – for instance wealth v poverty, universalism v. regional/local identity, state v. market etc. in order to spot areas of the formation of the structural contours of the new hegemonies;
- To develop a taxonomy of re- hegemonisation and counter-hegemony approaches and processes such as – for instance – but not limited by that list .
Areas of Current Teaching
- EURR 5001: Interdisciplinary Seminar in European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
- GPOL 1500: Global Politics
- EURR 5101: Russian Domestic Politics
Selected Publications Relating to the European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (*not listed above in slideshow)
Chebankova E.A., Dutkiewicz P. “Covid-19 Pandemic and the World Order.” – Polis. Political Studies. No. 2. 2021. pp. 8-24. (In English). https://doi.org/10.17976/jpps/2021.02.02.
E. Chebankova, P. Dutkiewicz. “Ideology and Civilizational Discourse.” (In English) Polis. Political Studies, No. 4, 2021 , pp. 43 – 57, https://www.politstudies.ru/en/index.php?page_id=458&id=1768&at=a&jid=5793.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Andrei Zakharov, eds., Basics of Local Governance, textbook for Grade 10 High Schools in Russia, Moscow, 2001, Municipal Power Press, p. 141.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Magda Opalski, eds., Ethnic Minority Rights in East Central Europe, Montreal, Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1996, p. 210.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and G. Gorzelak, eds., Problems of Local Development in Poland, Warsaw University Press, 1989, p. 240.
Piotr Dutkiewicz , “Post-Globalization perestroika of the global markets” (in Russian) in: Civil Service, September-October 2008 No.55 pp.108-121.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, „Asymmetric Power, Heresy and Post-Communism” in Politex, Journal of St. Petersburg University, 2007, vol.2 N0.4, pp. 40- 50 (in Russian)
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Vladimir Popov, Ahead or Behind? Lessons from Russia’s Post-Communist Reforms, in Comparative Constitutional Review, (Sravnitelnoe Konstitutsionnoe Obozrenie , (in Russian) No. 4(53), December, 2005, pp. 9-22.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Vladimir Popov, Yet Another End to the Russian Democracy (in Russian) in The Main Theme Quarterly (Glavnaia Tema), Moscow, April/May 2005, pp. 100-122.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Vladimir Popov, The Worst is Over? (in Russian) in Contemporary Europe Quarterly, No. 4(20), October-December 2004, pp. 42-56.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Vladimir Popov, Democracy Without Liberalism, (in Russian) in Political Journal (Politicheskii Jurnal), No 37(40), October 2004, Moscow, pp. 2-12 (plus 3 tables).
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Sergei Plekhanov, “The Politics of ‘Mimicry’: The case of Eastern Europe,” in The Soldier and the State in the Post Cold War Era, Queen’s Quarterly, December 2002, Albert Lagault, Joel Sokolsky (eds.), pp.113-145.
Review of “Legal Ontology of Politics” by Alexei Avtonomov in Constitutional Law, Moscow, 2001, vol. 4(37), 2001, pp. 206-207.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Dejan Guzina, “Challenges of Democratization: A Comparative Perspective on the Politics of Transition in Eastern Europe,” in Bulletin of Moscow Friendship University, Moscow, 2001, vol. 3, pp. 57-66.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Sergei Plekhanov, “Les Relations Civilo-Militaires: Transfert de Normes et Coopération Démocratique,” in Etudes Internationales, volume XXXII, no 2, Juin 2001, pp. 275-303.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and J. Soboleva, “Unemployment Insurance System: Comparative Notes on Canada and Russia,” in Problems of Management, no. 2, 1998, Moscow, pp. 1-16.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Magda Opalski, “Citizenship and Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Latvia,” in EUROASIA, 1995, no. 3, pp. 71-77.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Magda Opalski, “Ethnic Conflict in the Baltic States: The Case of Latvia,” Distinguished Speakers Series, Royal Military College of Canada, 1995, no. 3, pp. 1-35.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and B. Jalowiecki, eds., “Panstwo i Kultura Polityczna,” State and Political Culture, vol. 5, Warsaw University Press, 1989, p. 273.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, B. Jalowiecki, and K.Z. Sowa, eds., “Spolecznosci lokalne, terazniejszosc i przyszlosc” Local Communities, the Present and the Future, Warsaw University Press, 1989, p. 361.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, Z. Niewiadomski and K. Sobczak, eds., “Strategia zmian systemu lokalnego”Strategy of Local System’s Changes, Warsaw University Press, 1988, p. 156.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and G. Gorzelak, eds., “Problemy rozwoju lokalnego” Problems of Local Development, Warsaw University Press, 1988, p. 217.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, K. Sobczak and Z. Niewiadomski, eds., “Prawne problemy funkcjonowania wladzy lokalnej i samorzadu terytorialnego. Synteza wynikow badan w zakresie nadzoru i planowania” Legal Aspects of Local Authorities and Self-Government Functioning: Synthesis of Research Results on Supervision and Planning, Warsaw University Press, 1987, p. 96.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, Alison Keating, Maryana Nikoula, Evgeni Shevchenko, “ Juvenile Justice in Russia”, AUCC, 2009, pp. 181 (authorship in equal parts).
Piotr Dutkiewicz, “ Re-Thinking Russia”, Russia in Global Affairs (in English), No.4 October – December, 2009.
Piotr Dutkiewicz and Vladimir Popov, “Russia and the West: Linking Economic and Foreign Policy” in: J.L.Black and M.John,(eds.) From Putin to Medvedev , Penumbra Press, 2009 , pp.148-163.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, “Russian Developmental State “(in Russian), in Russia in Global Affairs, No.5 September-October, 2009, pp.73 – 86.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, “Global Crises – Short Term Prognosis and Policy Reponses” (in Russian) in: Civil Service, July-August, 2009, No.60, pp.6-16.
Piotr Dutkiewicz, “Post-Globalization perestroika of the global markets” (in Russian) in: Civil Service, September-October 2008 No.55 pp.108-121.
Select list of Invited Lectures
Professor Dutkiewicz has given up to 200 presentations and conferences in Canada, Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, USA, Greece, UAE, Iran, China, Bangladesh, Botswana, South Africa, Slovakia, France, Great Britain.
Selected Professional Contributions:
- Co-Founding Editor, Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies (CJERS), Ottawa, Canada
- Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal, Juvenile Justice, Russia, Moscow
- Member of the Editorial Board, Academic Journal “Politeks,” St. Petersburg University, Russian Federation.
- Director, Centre for Governance and Public Management, Carleton University, Ottawa (2008-)
- Director, Institute for European and Russian Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa (2003 -1008)
- Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Supervisor of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science (1998-2000); Associate Director, Institute for European and Russian Studies (1996-2003).
- Member, CBIE Advisory Board for the “Partners in Civil Society” program, Ottawa, Canada
- Co-Chief–Editor, Review of European and Russian Affairs (with Professor OliverSchmidtke, University of Victoria), http://europeanrussianaffairs.com
- Member of the Canadian Pugwash Group.
- Diploma/Letter of Recognition from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for the “Great contribution to the development of the labor market for women”.
- Member of the Canadian Official State Delegation to Russia
- Letter of Recognition from the President, Moscow University, “For the achievements in scholarship,” Russian Federation.
- Letter of Recognition, Russian Minister of Education, “For the great contribution to the development of Russian-Canadian relations in the area of education”
Links to Press and Media Articles
- CBC Radio’s “Cross Country Checkup” on July 20 with Rex Murphy (this session guest-hosted by David Gray.
- “Ukraine: Russia May Press Its Advantages in Talks with the EU,” March 4, 2014 (also available in Russian, originally published by Izvestia on Feb. 28)
- a podcast of Prof. Dutkiewicz’s contribution to CBC’s “The Current” hosted by Anna Maria Tremonte, March 3, 2014
- “Western brakes fail to halt Russia’s roll in Ukraine,” March 3, 2014
- “Europe’s Dependence on Russian Oil and Gas Makes it Hard to Enact Meaningful Trade Sanctions,” March 3, 2014
- “Ukraine Braced for a Military Response from Russia, but is it Likely?: Preparing for ‘Total War,’” February 28, 2014
- “Rossiya mozhet realizovat’ svoi preimuschestva v peregovorakh s ES,” 28 February 2014
- “Towards the Global Market via the Customs Union,” 13 January 2014
- “Valdai Club 2013 – The Big Theatre of One Actor,” 30 October 2013
- “Why Do People Protest,” 22 August 2012
- “Democracy versus Modernization,” 16 August 2012
- “Canada and Russia – looking forward, beyond some mutual irritants,” 4 June 2012
- “Opposition in Russia: Struggle for leadership,” 24 April 2012
- “Canada-Russia: move beyond potshots,” 23 April 2012
- “Medvedev’s decision to step down may serve Russia well,” 29 September 2011
- “Valdai Club supports dialogue in the Arctic,” 26 May 2011
- “Russia: The situation is not changing fast enough to make a difference,” 26 April 2011
Links to Online Videos
- “Dr. Dutkiewicz on the regional effects of the financial crisis on Central and Eastern Europe,” 29 November 2012
- “Partnerships for Crisis Management (the NATO-Russia Relationship): Prof. Piotr Dutkiewicz,” 25 August 2012
- “Piotr Dutkiewicz: Foreign business needs more legitimacy in Russia,” 22 November 2011
Links to Non-Refereed Journals and Newspapers
- “Democracy after the collapse,” 19 January 2012
- “Democracy after the collapse,” 15 December 2011 (in Russian)
- “A new ‘Grand Project?’ Eurasian Union and the re-Integration of the Post-Soviet Space,” 30 December 2011