Photo of Brandon  Fairbairn

Brandon Fairbairn

What is your favourite thing about the College?

The small size of the program made is much easier for me to quickly form long-lasting friendships. The numerous social interactions I experienced, whether they were in-class, extracurricular activities on campus, or parties and other events off campus, have played a tremendous role in helping me open up socially.

What will you miss the most?

I am going to miss the frequent opportunities I was given by the program to discuss various texts we studied over the past four years. It felt nice having a routine of going to campus (with the exception of second year when classes were online) and being able to share things I am deeply passionate about with my friends.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Maccabees provided a fascinating Jewish perspective on Seleucid rule of Judea, and inner-conflict within the Seleucid Empire. I also very much enjoyed The Lotus Sutra for providing me my first major exposure to Buddhism, specifically Mahayana Buddhism.

What’s next for you?

I have started working as an occasional teacher for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. I would like to integrate the research skills I have acquired in the Humanities program within my teaching. I would ideally like to teach subjects such a history, politics, religion, and global affairs at the high school level.