Ipso Facto: The Carleton Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities is a student-run undergraduate journal initiated in 2021. Our aim is to publish papers written by undergraduate students on an annual basis.
Students are encouraged to submit papers on a wide variety of topics in the interdisciplinary humanities. Papers may either be particular to one field or draw on interdisciplinary approaches to make an argument. The main goal of the journal is to publish articles and letters that take an original stance on a topic or question.
Submissions for Volume IV will open on November 1st, 2024, and close on February 8th, 2025.
Find the link to the submissions form here.
Electronic Versions
Ipso Facto is published both in traditional paper format and online. You can find electronics versions below.
Volume 1 (2022)
Volume 2 (2023)
Volume 3 (2024)
Submission Information
Who can Submit?
Undergraduate students majoring or minoring in the Bachelor of Humanities, Philosophy, Greek and Roman Studies, Religion, and other humanities related programs can submit as well as recent graduates, as long as they submit papers written while they were doing their undergraduate degree. We are currently limiting submissions to two per person.
Find the link to the submissions form here.
Essays that Qualify for Publication:
- Papers written in a class (if responding to an assigned prompt, the paper must make an original argument with a unique approach to the question)
- Papers written for a directed research course with a faculty supervisor
- Papers written independent of any course work or credit.
Submission Guidelines:
- Use 12 pt. Font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced
- Remove identifying information about the author
- Be relevant to the field of humanities
- Follow The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for citations and bibliography
- Use Footnotes (Not Endnotes)
- If written for a class, the paper must have received at least an A- as the final grade
- Please include a 150-200 word abstract at the start of the paper
The Selection Process:
The selection process will be conducted through blind peer-review. In certain circumstances, authors may be contacted and requested to provide verification of grade, or in the case of independently written essays, a qualified faculty member may be requested to evaluate the paper.
All papers will undergo a final editing prior to publication. Authors will be consulted for final approval prior to publication.
If you have questions, please send us an email at IpsoFacto.Humanities@outlook.com.
Finally, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @hums.ipsofacto for more details and events!
Editor-in-Chief: Charlotte Bodin
Bianca McKeown, 4th Year Editor
Faith Woody, 3rd Year Editor
Joe McDermott, 3rd Year Editor
Mallory Quinn, 3rd Year Editor
Grace Richards, 2nd Year Editor
Sophia Laporte, 2nd Year Editor