Photo of Carolyn  Russell

Carolyn Russell

What is your favourite thing about the College?

My favourite thing about the College is how unique and welcoming it is. The Humanities program has greatly shaped who I am as a student and as an individual, for which I am grateful. I will always look back on my time at Carleton fondly and with pride.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss the HUMS lecture room in Paterson Hall the most. After attending so many amazing lectures and discussions there, it encapsulates my experience as a Carleton student.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

It is too difficult to pick only one favourite text from the program, so I have narrowed it down to three: Homer’s The Odyssey for its grand adventure, Dante’s Inferno for its drama and gravitas, and Boccaccio’s The Decameron for its humour and appreciation of the human experience.

What’s next for you?

I will be attending the University of Toronto this fall to begin my studies in the Master of Information program and hope to become a librarian in the future.