Photo of Jocelyn  Webber

Jocelyn Webber

What is your favourite thing about the College?

I love that everyone is cared for in this program – the professors know who you are and care about you as an individual, in addition to caring about your education. There is always someone to turn to for help who will actually want to help!

What will you miss the most?

I’m probably going to miss the silly conversations in the lounge the most. With professors and without, we always had the strangest topics come up in the lounge (and in lecture), and if we were ever overheard by people outside our program they would probably think that we’re crazy.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Definitely the Odyssey and Beothius’ Consolation of Philosophy. The Odyssey was the first book I read for the program, but it’s beautiful poetry and adventurous story have never faded from my mind, and Boethius provided me a great comfort in a time of existential crisis.

What’s next for you?

I am headed to McMaster Divinity College to do a Masters of Divinity, hopefully on my way to being a youth pastor!