Photo of Kathleen Gant

Kathleen Gant

What is your favourite thing about the College?

While there are many great things about the College I would have to say the community is my favourite. The profs truly care about us and our fellow students also care about each other. Going into school for the past five years has always been fun because I knew I’d have an interesting conversation with someone. Also, every single person I’ve come across has helped me grow! I went from a shy grade 12 student who could barely speak a word in class to a hums student excited for seminars where I could share my thoughts. I wouldn’t have been able to grow in that way if it weren’t for the wonderful professors and my friends that I met in the college!

What will you miss the most?

The better question is what won’t I miss! The lounge, of course, will be missed a lot. Playing card games in there and meeting students from other years was always fun and was a nice break from reading. Andrea bringing in puzzles, food, and Christmas decorations was also always fun and brightened up everyone’s days. I’ll miss just walking around Paterson and bumping into a fellow Hums student or Prof and just chatting. I’ll miss watching first years enter the program and inviting them to join in on discussions or games. I’ll miss taking naps in the lounge, or occasionally in the discussion room when it wasn’t in use. And I’ll miss the classes! They always challenged me and made me discover knew things to love (and occasionally new things to hate, like reading Aristotle). I definitely would be who I am today or where I am without all the Hums courses!

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Definitely Homer’s The Odyssey from Hums1200. It seems that every couple of years now I take a course on it just to learn a little bit more. I also loved Said’s Orientalism in Hums4000!

What’s next for you?

I’m off to Queen’s University to complete my JD, with the intention of practicing some sort of public interest law.