Photo of Sarah  Williscraft

Sarah Williscraft

What is your favourite thing about the College?

I built some of my most cherished friendships within the walls of the College. The opportunity to open my mind and discuss philosophy and history with my brilliant peers will always be held close to my heart. I feel as though this experience has prepared me for a lifetime of conversation and listening to others with an open mind and an open heart.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss the ability to engage with my professors in thought-provoking conversation about the texts we are studying and how they apply to the world we are currently living in.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

I think about The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius often. I remember reading that work for the first time and feeling, well, consolation regarding my place within the universe.

What’s next for you?

I am off to Fort McMurray, Alberta, to begin a career in journalism. I hope to return to academia again in the future.