Ottawa) –Today, the Honourable Gary Goodyear, minister of state (science and technology) announced two new Canada Research Chairs for Carleton University.

steven_cooke_winnie_yeCarleton alumna (PhD/07) Winnie Ye returns to Carleton as the Canada Research Chair in Nano-scale IC Design for Reliable Opto-Electronics and Sensors while Steven Cooke becomes the new Chair in Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology.

Paul Van Oorschot was renewed as Canada Research Chair in Internet Authentication and Computer Security and Manuella Vincter was also renewed today as Canada Research Chair in Particle Physics.

Carleton will receive $2.9 million for the two renewals and two new chairs.

Dr. Ye says she is delighted to return to Carleton. “I really enjoy the research environment at Carleton as the university has a number of innovative collaborations with high profile research institutes and government groups, many of which are based in Ottawa. I am looking forward to sharing the expertise and experience that I obtained at Harvard and MIT with the students at Carleton.”

Dr. Ye designs and fabricates nano-scale integrated circuits for reliable optoelectronics, which is the study and application of electronic devices that source, detect and control light. She also develops affordable and multifunctional biosensor systems. Her research will aid efforts in the discovery of vaccines or new drugs for the prevention and treatment of life-threatening diseases such as malaria. Most recently, Dr. Ye held two post-doctorates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Her PhD research at Carleton involved working on a photonics project with the National Research Council Canada. She has a master’s of applied science in photonics at the University of Toronto and an undergraduate degree from Carleton in electrical engineering.

Dr. Cooke is an associate professor in environmental science and biology at Carleton. He and his team of students apply physiological tools to understand and solve pressing conservation problems. His Carleton lab is a world leader in telemetry, which uses electronic tags to track animals and fish in the wild to better understand their behavior and conservation. “The CRC support will enable our team to expand efforts to ensure that fisheries in Canada and beyond are sustainable while providing students with the opportunity to address real-world problems,” says Cooke who recently received more than half a million dollars from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to help sustain salmon fisheries off British Columbia’s coast. This summer, he and his research team spent time on the Fraser River developing and testing innovative approaches to help fish recover from the stress of capture and surveying fishers to understand barriers to implementing different conservation measures. Locally, the team is using telemetry to understand the ecology of muskellunge in Dow’s Lake and they’re involved in a number of local studies of the survival and behaviour of pike and bass after they are released from commercial or recreational fishing gear.

Paul Van Oorschot is a professor of computer science and scientific director of NSERC ISSNet (Internetworked Systems Security Network), which brings together some of the best minds in the country to determine innovative ways to enhance Canadian research in Internet security.

Manuella Vincter contributed to the construction of ATLAS, a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). She is researching ways to better understand the fundamental building blocks of matter, the protons and neutrons that form the core of the atom.

For more information:

Lin Moody
Media Relations
Carleton University
613-520-2600, ext. 8705