Science Café – The Oxigen Paradox: A Tale of Two Extremes.

(Ottawa) –  Carleton University’s Faculty of Science returns with its popular semi-weekly Science Café on Wednesday evenings at the Wild Oat Café in the Glebe between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Join us for a discussion about scientific issues facing our society. Each event includes a 20-minute talk by a scientist followed by a 40-minute open question and answer period. Come explore science with Carleton University.

The next Science Café will take place on March 10 with the topic The oxigen paradox: A tale of two extremes featuring Bill Willmore from the Institute of Biochemistry.

Miss a discussion? Check out our Science Café website até where you can see the slides and hear the presentations.

For more information:
Root Gorelick
613-520-2600, ext.1586

Sue Bertram
613-520-2600, ext. 2264.

